Communications Department public relations contracts: FOI release
- Published
- 20 December 2017
- Topic
- Public sector
Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
FOI reference: FOI/17/02903
Date received: 14 November 2017
Date responded: 18 December 2017
Information requested
Part 1
1. Does your department currently use a private company to undertake any of the following services:
- Public Relations
- Social Media Communications
- External Stakeholder Communications
- Internal Stakeholder Communications.
2. If yes, can you please confirm:
- When the current contract was last let
- When the current contract expires
- Whether the current contract has options to extend its length
- When you expect to retender the contract.
3. If no (to question 1 above), are you considering letting such a contract in the future and if so, do you have an approximate timetable for engaging the market?
Part 2
4. Have you used a private company to help you with any other marketing or public information campaigns in the past 2 years?
5. If so, could you please provide a brief overview of what those campaigns were about and approximately how long your contract with the company was for to support the campaign(s)?
I enclose a copy of all the information you requested:
Part 1 question 1 – The answer to first 3 bullets are yes and the answer to bullet 4 is No.
Part 1 question 2 – Please see the 'PR Contracts table' for bullets 1 to 3. To answer bullet 4 and part 1 question 3: The Scottish Government would not automatically retender a contract when it reached the end of its expected award period. This would align with Scottish Ministers' priorities.
PR Contracts Table
Category | Agency | Portfolio | Start Date | End Date | Extensions | |
(months) | Extension | |||||
Used | ||||||
PR | 3x1 | Tram Inquiry | 30-Jan-15 | 29-Jan-16 | 12+12 | 2 |
PR | Smarts | Safer Roads | 10-Jun-15 | 09-Jun-16 | 12+12 | 2 |
PR | Consolidated | Safer Communities | 15-Jun-15 | 14-Jun-16 | 12+12 | 2 |
PR | BIG | Smarter 2016 | 19-May-16 | 18-May-17 | 12+12 | 1 |
PR | Consolidated | Healthier Scotland 2016 | 01-Jun-16 | 31-May-17 | 12+12 | 1 |
PR | Stripe | Parental Audience | 14-Sep-17 | 13-Sep-18 | 12+12 | 0 |
PR | 3x1 | International | 13-Sep-17 | 12-Sep-18 | 12+12 | 0 |
PR | Smarts | WW100 | 03-Oct-17 | 02-Oct-18 | 12 | 0 |
PR | Pagoda | Migration | 16-Nov-17 | 15-Nov-18 | 12+12 | 0 |
Part 2 question 4. Yes, see 5 below.
Part 2 question 5. Scottish Government Marketing delivers a large number of campaigns each year. These are a mix of behaviour change and public information campaigns. The following links will provide you with the list of 36 campaigns that were delivered in 2015-16 and the 36 campaigns delivered in 2016-17, along with total spend.
2015-16: /publications/advertising-spend-2015-2016/Advertising%20spend%20-%202015-16.pdf?inline=true
2016-17: /publications/marketing-spend-2016-2017/
We have multiple contracts with creative agencies that that enable us to deliver these campaigns. We tender through Scottish Government frameworks, which include Digital, PR, advertising, media buying, etc).
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Phone: 0300 244 4000
The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
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