
Health and nutrition inspections in schools: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/01148
Date received: 17 April 2018
Date responded: 11 May 2018

Information requested

Information regarding Health and Nutrition Inspections as follows:

For each of the past five years – so 2016-17; 2015-16; 2014-15; 2013-14; 2012-13 - could you please tell me:

1. how many primaries, secondaries and special schools were inspected to see if their school meals complied with nutrient standards and food and drink standards.

2. how many were judged to have fully met the standard (please give breakdown by primary, secondary and special school).

3. how many were judged not to have fully met the standard (please give breakdown by primary, secondary and special school).

4. could you please give examples of the kind of discrepancies identified.

To date this year (2017-18) could you please tell me:

1. how many primaries, secondaries and special schools have been inspected to see if their school meals complied with nutrient standards and food and drink standards.

2. how many were judged to have fully met the standard (please give breakdown by primary, secondary and special school).

3. how many were judged not to have fully met the standard (please give breakdown by primary, secondary and special school).

4. could you please give examples of the kind of discrepancies identified.

5. could you please provide copies of the 10 most recent school food and drink inspection reports.


Please find attached the responses to your questions for all years stated:

1-3. numerical information requested - Annex A provides this information as fully as possible. Information was not collected/collated in this way until 2014. However, we are able to provide the information for all but the earliest of inspections requested.

4. Examples of discrepancies:

The reasons why a school would be deemed not to be fully meeting all the school food regulations are wide and varied. Examples include school-run tuck shops selling cereal bars which are not permitted, school vending machines selling crisps that don't meet the specific criteria or offering these for sale during the lunch period, or school lunch menus not providing an oily fish dish as frequently as required. The majority of reasons are minor and easily rectified when brought to the attention of the school or catering provider.

5. The ten most recent inspection reports - Annex B.

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Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
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