
The Administration Budget 2018 to 2019: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/01223
Date received: 24 April 2018
Date responded: 10 May 2018

Information requested

  • Is it now permissible to increase the SG DRC budget by transferring financial provision from budgets for programme expenditure?

  • If so, to what extent has the SG DRC budget for 2018-19 been increased in this way?.


The answer to your question is: The Scottish Government Administration budget covers the costs of the core administration required to support the Scottish Government's Purpose and Strategic Objectives. The largest element covers the cost of core staffing, although Scottish Government staff implementing and delivering specific public services may be paid for from other portfolio budgets where appropriate. This budget also supports the provision of property, facilities, information technology, travel and training for the core Scottish Government.

The Administration Budget 2018-19 was set in Annex 1 to Budget (Scotland) Act 2018 at £192.6 million. A more detailed breakdown of this budget was provided in the Budget (Scotland) Bill Supporting Document (see page 75

Any decisions to adjust that budget during 2018-19 will be taken as part of the in year budget revisions process in the Autumn and Spring. Any such in year changes will be published, scrutinised and approved by the Scottish Parliament.

Procedures for in-year reallocation of budgetary provision are the subject of a written agreement between the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament Finance Committee. This agreement is set out in the Scottish Public Finance Manual -

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Phone: 0300 244 4000

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