
Exemptions related to school sprinkler installation 2010-2018: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/01685
Date received: 18 June 2018
Date responded: 9 July 2018

Information requested

"A list of any exemptions granted to local authorities not to install school sprinklers either in new school builds or in existing schools with new extensions. Please could you provide this information per year from 2010 to 2018 and for each specific exemption with the reason given for the exemption."


Please note that, Standard 2.15 Automatic fire suppression systems was amended on 1 October 2013 to include a limitation for school buildings where it is not reasonably practicable to install an automatic fire suppression system. From this date, Local Authority verifiers were permitted to make local decisions for existing schools based on the particular circumstances of each case. The Scottish Government does not hold records of these decisions.

Please note that automatic fire suppression was introduced in schools for property protection to further the achievement of sustainable development. The Scottish Government has not received any requests for a relaxation/dispensation of Standard 2.15 for any new build schools since October 2010.

The information you requested is tabulated in attached document. In each case, the reason for the exemption is provided.

For your reference the standard and its limitation are set out below:

"Standard 2.15 Every building must be designed and constructed in such a way that, in the event of an outbreak of fire within the building, fire growth will be inhibited by the operation of an automatic fire suppression system.

Limitation: This standard applies only to a building which: is a school building other than a building forming part of an existing school or an extension to a school building where it is not reasonably practicable to install an automatic fire suppression system in that building or extension."

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FOI-18-01685 related document re school sprinklers.pdf


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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
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