
Information:Smarter and Fairer Marketing/Marketing and Insight unit: FOI Release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/01862
Date received: 2 July 2018
Date responded: 30 July 2018

Information requested

The description of the function, purpose, headcount and budget of the "Smarter and Fairer Marketing" department, and also that of the "Marketing and Insight Unit" of the Scottish Executive.


The Marketing and Insight Unit has responsibility for delivering public information and behaviour change campaigns which improve the lives of people in Scotland and inform them of legislative change. These campaigns deliver on Ministerial commitments and the priorities laid out by the Scottish Government in the annual Programme for Government. The team is currently made up of 27 people.

The spend on the campaigns which the Unit has responsibility for delivering changes each financial year depending on the number and scope of campaigns it delivers. We are in the process of doing our annual reconciliation for 2017-18, but spend for previous years can be found at: /publications/?term=marketing+spend

The Smarter & Fairer Marketing team is part of the Marketing and Insight Unit. It has specific responsibility for delivering any activity which falls under the Scottish Government's Smarter and Wealthier & Fairer strategic objectives, as described here:

The team is currently made up of 4 people. The spend on the campaigns which the team has responsibility for changes each financial year depending on the number and scope of campaigns it delivers. We are in the process of doing our annual reconciliation for 2017-18, but spend for previous years can be found at: /publications/?term=marketing+spend

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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