
Details of the 3 publicly stated meetings between the former and current First Ministers: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/02356  
Date received: 29 August 2018  
Date responded: 20 September 2018
Information requested
  1. Dates, times and locations of the three publicly stated meetings at which the First Minister met Mr Alex Salmond in relation to complaints against him of inappropriate behaviour towards Scottish Government staff.
  2. At whose request or initiative each of those meetings referred to above were arranged and if Scottish Government staff were involved in any way in their arrangement, during them or in their follow-up.
  3. The capacity Ms Sturgeon met Mr Salmond in the three meetings referred to above and the name and role of anyone else present on each occasion.
  4. If any minutes or other notes were taken at the meetings referred to above and if so, information contained in those documents except for any information which compromises the privacy of alleged victims or ongoing legal proceedings.
  5. Information contained in any correspondence (including to or from the First Minister and Mr Salmond) arising from the meetings referred to above except for any information which compromises the privacy of alleged victims or ongoing legal proceedings.
  6. Whether the meetings referred to above involved any departure from normal policy or procedure in terms of minuting or presence of Scottish Government staff and if so, at whose direction this was.
  7. If there have been any recorded meetings besides the three referred to above between the First Minister and Mr Salmond during 2018 on any subject and if so their dates, times, locations, matters discussed and information contained in any minutes, associated notes or correspondence.
  8. Information contained in any other correspondence between the First Minister and Mr Salmond or issued to Mr Salmond on the First Minister's behalf during 2018. I would be grateful if each point could be treated as a separate request under the terms of the Acts. I understand that under their terms I can expect to receive a response within twenty working days and am grateful for your assistance. I would also be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this request.
As stated by the First Minister on the 24th August, the First Minister was made aware of the fact of an investigation by Alex Salmond in April.

By reference to section 18(1) of FOISA we cannot confirm or deny whether any information is held. We are applying section 18(1) in conjunction with section 35(1)(c) (information exempt if disclosure would, or would be likely to prejudice substantially the administration of justice).

The exemption in section 35(1)(c) is subject to the public interest test. We have viewed the public interest test to be the balance between the need to be open and transparent in our decision making and ensuring that we do not prejudice substantially the administration of justice. In that regard we cannot confirm or deny if any such information exists and we have concluded that the balance favours adopting that approach.
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Central Enquiry Unit 
Phone: 0300 244 4000 
The Scottish Government 
St Andrew's House 
Regent Road 

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