
Maintenance and infrastructure upgrades/improvements for major A roads: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested


“I’d like a copy of the total transport infrastructure spend, for each region of Scotland for the last 20 years. Could I ask for it to be split into two columns, maintenance, and upgrades for each region”. 

Following communication with yourself on the 22nd January, you reduced the scope as follows:

“Can we make the records since the formation of transport Scotland, it is specifically major trunk A Roads I am interested in, so it may be easier for you to present it as the maintenance, and the infrastructure upgrade/improvement for each major A road such as A9, A725, A77 , A75 etc. Rather than geographical region as I requested. 

I’d prefer along the lines of by county, i.e Lanarkshire, Perthshire, Wigtownshire, Stewartry, etc. 

I’m flexible with the geography though, as it’s the spend per Trunk road I’m trying to identify.”




Transport Scotland is responsible for ongoing maintenance work across its network of trunk roads, bridges and other structures. We prioritise repairs and improvements to ensure safe travel and steady movement of traffic. We have contracts in place with the operating companies BEAR Scotland, Amey and Scotland Transerv to deliver this work.

Our remit includes:

  • trunk road and motorway maintenance
  • bridge maintenance
  • incident management and support
  • clearing motorways and certain trunk roads of litter
  • lighting the trunk road network
  • undertaking an annual road condition survey
  • minimising the risk of landslides

A significant proportion of our maintenance work and budget is directed towards the general wear and tear of the trunk road network. Ongoing maintenance works maintains the required structural integrity on all of our trunk roads.


As advised in my initial response of 22nd January, our roads maintenance expenditure can be broken down by the areas managed by our trunk road operating company contracts. The table at Annex A provides spend by route by operating company unit from 1 April 2007 to 30 September 2018. Figures for spend per route include structural maintenance spend, minor improvements, route maintenance, strategic road safety and winter service.


For completeness, I have also included a table that includes expenditure in respect of PFI payments and other payments which are not route specific.


Infrastructure upgrades/Improvements

Since 2007, we have invested in a number of major roads projects. A list of operational projects can be found at Annex B.

In addition to these, Transport Scotland is continuing to progress the design and development of a number of schemes, including the dualling of both the A9 and A96. Further details of all our projects can be obtained from our website at


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FOI-19-00162 Annexes A & B


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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