
Questions in respect of the traffic controls A75 Springholm: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested


You asked 7 questions in respect of the traffic controls A75 Springholm.



I have listed your questions and our responses underneath for ease.


1) Data from each of the four traffic count/classifiers (ATCs)  and also, where similarly gathered, data from traffic signal trigger loops along the village A75  between the end of the period covered by our data request of 13 September 2018 and the latest available date for which such data is available giving vehicle numbers and breakdown by speed in the format last supplied to us. Again please present the data in a format which will again permit the  dates, times, precise locations and directions it was gathered at to be determined and specify the commencing and ending time of each data set.

Answer – please see Annex 1- 8.  It should be noted that the raw data may contain columns with zero values which can affect the total average columns. This raw data is analysed and verified before use to ensure accuracy.

As previously stated

SH1 – West Gateway. 50m east of Barr of Spottes Road. Adjacent to eastbound VAS

SH2 – Centre of Village at Bus Stop

SH3 – Beech House

SH4 -  East Gateway.  Adjacent to Westbound VAS for signals.

Channel 1 - Eastbound  

Channel 2 - Westbound

Please note that Annex 2, 4, 6 & 8 are in kph.


2) Data from fixed equipment along the village A75 for the period as in paragraph 1) from which Transport Scotland and/or its contractors determine both the number of red stop signal triggers and the respective numbers of  drivers in compliance/non-compliance with stop signals presented to the traffic flow by the reverse speed discrimination traffic signals. Please present the data in a format which will permit the dates, times, locations and directions it was gathered at to be determined and specify the commencing and ending time of each data set.

Answer – please see Annex 9 – 12.

Please note whilst this data provides the number of activations, it cannot be used to determine the number of drivers in compliance with the red lights.


3) Details of the time delay now operating between initial detection of a speeding vehicle and the commencement of presentation of the amber signal preceding red. If this delay varies according to location, time of day and channel please give the respective periods and reasons for the variation.

Answer - The delays depend on numerous factors including approach speeds, visibility of the signal heads and on site observation from the Engineering Team. The Amber is the statutory 3 seconds required for all traffic signals in the United Kingdom. The delays are currently as below:

Dumfries end – Entering 2 seconds, Exit 1 second.

Castle Douglas end – 0 seconds. There was an issue between detection and activation following the installation of the loops which resulted in a delay of 2 seconds.  However this was subsequently rectified and the delay reduced on the 29 January 2019.


4) In respect of the western signals the respective distances for each channel in metres between the effective point of loop detection of a speeding vehicle and the line before which a red signal triggering driver is required to halt.

Answer - Eastbound 80m,  Westbound 100m.


5) Confirmation of the amber/red light trigger speed thresholds which have variously been applied since the inception of these speed control signals on 11 December 2017.

Answer - In this instance we do not have the information you have requested.  Section 17(1) of FOISA applies as no information is held in respect of the above question.  As stated in our numerous letters and at our recent meeting the thereshold has not been amended since 11 December 2017 therefore we do not hold any information about variations since that date.


6) Do Transport Scotland or its agents hold any official video footage in relation to the operation of the Springholm A75 reverse speed discrimination traffic signals since we complained that the signals response periods are excessively delayed resulting in triggering drivers above the mid 30's mph being presented with less than 3 seconds amber and therefore no red before passing the signal halt line, a wholly inadequate time interval/distance to enable an HGV driver halt at any reasonable level of braking given the range of excessive speeds commonly present in the traffic flow according to the official traffic studies preceding the introduction of the signal speed control measures.

Answer - While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance  we do not have the information you have requested.  Section 17(1) of FOISA applies as no information is held in respect of the above question.


7) Do Transport Scotland or its agents hold any official video footage or data in relation to the instances where triggering  drivers pass through the Springholm A75 reverse speed discrimination traffic signals and red presents afterwards when no vehicle is then present at the halt line incurring no signal violation by reason of the slow red response of the signals?

Answer - While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance we do not have the information you have requested.  Section 17(1) of FOISA applies as no information is held in respect of the above question.


About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

foi-19-00176 Annexes 1-8
foi-19-00176 Annexes 9-12


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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