
Rules/regulations pertaining to Scottish Teachers Pension Schemes: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

The pension scheme rules concerning private and independent schools currently using the public Scottish Teachers’ Pension Schemes for their teaching staff;

  • Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme
  • Scottish Teachers Superannuation Scheme
  • Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme 2015

In particular, I’m looking for rules/regulations that detail an employer’s [specifically where that employer is a private or independent school] options for withdrawing from these scheme and putting their staff into an alternative private pension scheme(s).
Specifically I want to know if such an employer can:
1. Start using an alternative private pension scheme for a defined cohort of staff (e.g. new staffed hired post a specified date) whilst continuing membership unchanged for existing members of the above schemes?
2. Start using an alternative private pension scheme for all staff? For future contributions only, existing members of the above scheme would become deferred members and all staff would start a new pension plan/account in a separate private pension scheme for ongoing contributions.
3. If there is a process and/or conditions that apply to either of these withdrawal options, please provide full details.


I attach a copy of all the information you requested.

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FOI-202000019107 Information released


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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