
IVY project: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

1. What procurement process was undertaken when looking for a new base for the project?

2. Which other organizations were involved in any negotiations for taking on the project when it was decided to move it from CYCJ?

3. What due diligence was carried out before IVY was transferred to Kibble – specifically, what assurances, if any, were sought by the Scottish Government from Kibble Education and Care Centre concerning the ongoing integrity and standards of the IVY project under their care.

4. What staffing structure was agreed for the IVY Project at Kibble from 1 April 2020?

5. What recruitment timetable was agreed for the IVY Project Kibble from 1 April 2020 in order to recruit additional Psychological staff to increase capacity in the project?

6. What salary was agreed for the Clinical Director of the IVY Project from 1 April 2020?

7. What was the agreed number of outcomes from IVY:
1. How many Level 1 Clinics were agreed per year
2. How many Level 2 Assessments were agreed per year
3. How many Level 3 Interventions were agreed per year

8. What level of reporting does the Scottish Government request from Kibble about the IVY Project in order to measure service delivery?

9. What measures, if any, are in place to address any failure to meet agreed outcomes from the IVY Project at Kibble?


We have set out the answers to each of your questions, point by point, below:

1. What procurement process was undertaken when looking for a new base for the project?
A formal procurement process was not undertaken. The decision to cease hosting IVY at Strathclyde University was taken by CYCJ and its Executive Governance Group. IVY was established as a pilot by Dr Lorraine Johnstone and CYCJ with funding from the Scottish Government. IVY was not commissioned by the Scottish Government and therefore the Scottish Government were not required to undertake a procurement exercise. Discussions took place in 2018 around an alternative model for IVY. Those with an interest in IVY were involved, including the Scottish Government, IVY, CYCJ, third sector partners, NHS and secure care providers. It was agreed that those with an interest in IVY would consider options for the long term sustainability of IVY. A proposal was submitted to the Scottish Government in summer 2019 from NHS Forth Valley, however, as indefinite funding could not be offered, the proposal fell through.

2. Which other organizations were involved in any negotiations for taking on the project when it was decided to move it from CYCJ?
CYCJ, IVY, Action for Children, NHS, Kibble and North Lanarkshire were initially involved in discussions around the future of the IVY project following the decision from CYCJ and its Executive Governance Group to cease hosting IVY at CYCJ. CYCJ, IVY, Kibble and the Scottish Government were involved in the subsequent negotiations for the transfer to Kibble.

3. What due diligence was carried out before IVY was transferred to Kibble – specifically, what assurances, if any, were sought by the Scottish Government from Kibble Education and Care Centre concerning the ongoing integrity and standards of the IVY project under their care.
Kibble provided assurances on continuing standards of care in their request for funding to the Scottish Government. Delivery of these standards was a condition of the grant funding that was then provided.

4. What staffing structure was agreed for the IVY Project at Kibble from 1 April 2020?
As outlined in Kibble’s application for funding to the Scottish Government, staffing from April 2020 consists of 1 x Clinical Director at 1 day per week, 1 x Administrator 3 days per week, 1 x Consultant Clinical Psychologist at 1 day per week, 2 x full time Clinical Psychologists at Grades 8b and 7 and 1 x full time social work support.

5. What recruitment timetable was agreed for the IVY Project Kibble from 1 April 2020 in order to recruit additional Psychological staff to increase capacity in the project?
A recruitment timetable was not agreed between Scottish Government and Kibble. The management of the project and recruitment of staffing for the delivery of the project is the responsibility of Kibble.

6. What salary was agreed for the Clinical Director of the IVY Project from 1 April 2020?
The total salary costs for the project as detailed in the grant letter for April 2020 to March 2021 is £260,596. The costs provided are not broken down to individual staff.

7. What were the agreed number of outcomes from IVY:
1. How many Level 1 Clinics were agreed per year
To provide at least two level 1 consultation clinics per week (minimum 50 per year)

2. How many Level 2 Assessments were agreed per year
Up to 15 young people per year

3. How many Level 3 Interventions were agreed per year
Up to 15 young people per year

8. What level of reporting does the Scottish Government request from Kibble about the IVY Project in order to measure service delivery?As per the conditions of the grant the Scottish Government require:
41. The Grantee shall keep the Scottish Ministers fully informed of the progress of the Project in the form of quarterly reports. Details shall include actual expenditure to date compared with profiled expenditure and any change to estimated expenditure for the financial year and/or the Project as a whole, the reasons for any such changes and progress in achieving objectives/outcomes.

4.2 Revisions to targets/milestones against which progress in achieving objectives/outcomes are monitored shall be subject to the written agreement of the Scottish Ministers.

4.3 The Grantee shall, on completion of the Project, submit a report to the Scottish Ministers summarising the outcomes and performance of the Project. Such a report shall include such statistical and other  information relating to the impact of the Project as shall be required by the Scottish Ministers.

4.4 The Grantee shall also provide any other information that the Scottish Ministers may reasonably require to satisfy themselves that the Project is consistent with the Agreement. The Grantee shall provide the Scottish Ministers with prompt access to any information they reasonably require to ensure compliance with these conditions.

9. What measures, if any, are in place to address any failure to meet agreed outcomes from the IVY Project at Kibble?
Quarterly monitoring meetings are held with Kibble as outlined in the conditions of the grant, however, any concerns or failure to meet the agreed outcomes are discussed at the point in time when the concern arises. The grant is provided on the basis of delivering the expected outcomes of the grant and as per the conditions of the grant letter Kibble are working with the Scottish Government to address any delivery issues.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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