
COVID-19: YouGov omnibus survey research results: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

1. The results of research the Scottish Government has commissioned through the YouGov omnibus survey in the past 12 months on:
a. Covid-19 Regulations and compliance with Covid-19 advice
b. Covid-19 vaccine
c. Adherence or compliance with self-isolation advice and requirements.

2. A copy of any other research the Scottish Government has carried out or commissioned in the past 12 months on public attitudes towards Covid-19 and:
a. Compliance with emergency Covid-19 regulations and advice
b. Vaccination
c. Adherence or compliance with self-isolation advice and requirements.


1) While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance we are unable to provide the information you have requested because an exemption under section s.27 (Information intended for future publication) of FOISA applies to that information.

We are currently reviewing and collating the information you have requested and will aim to publish the data tables from the weekly YouGov polling quarterly moving forwards. This means that we will publish the data from weeks 1-39 (from 23 March to mid-December) within the next few weeks – aiming for 19 March 2021 or thereabouts. The data for weeks 40-52 will be published when available and by 16 April 2021.

In the meantime, you can find the information that has already been published through the links available on this page:
Public attitudes to Coronavirus: January update - (

2) Attached is a file containing overviews from qualitative work that we have carried out or commissioned that meets the above criteria. This has not been published as its primary purpose is to inform communications to ensure that our campaigns are based on evidence and audience insight.

Further research carried out or commissioned related to the topics above is listed below.

A telephone survey was commissioned by Scottish Government to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland. The survey was intended to supplement other polling work, published last year which focused more on attitudes, knowledge and behaviours directly related to the pandemic (link above).

Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research - (

A report on a further wave of this research is due to be published soon.

As part of a broad call for rapid research on COVID-19, the Scottish Government’s Chief Scientist Office funded a project led by the University of Aberdeen: Covid Health and Adherence Research in Scotland (CHARIS) that included investigation of adherence to COVID transmission reducing behaviours (e.g. hand washing, mask wearing, physical distancing) from June to September 2020. Research findings and more information about the project are available on a University of Aberdeen webpage dedicated to the project: CHARIS | The Institute of Applied Health Sciences | The University of Aberdeen (

Scottish Government carried out qualitative research into people’s experiences about how they understand and feel able to adhere to coronavirus restrictions in December 2020. Results can be found here: Barriers to adherence with COVID-19 restrictions - (

Following on from this further research is being undertaken to understand the barriers to adherence and compliance for subgroups of the population who may find the regulations more difficult for emotional and practical reasons. The results will be published when this work is complete in the Spring.

The Scottish Government has recently commissioned a study into compliance with and experience of the 10 day self-isolation period. Early results are expected from April 2021, with a final report in July 2021.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

FOI - 202100152730 - Information Released


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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