
COVID-19 vaccine expenditure: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

1. How much are the NHS being paid for each vaccine deployed?

2. How much do individual GP'S receive for each vaccine given to a patient?

3. Do the SNP have shares in pharmaceutical companies?


1. We have encountered a wide range of additional costs being incurred in relation to vaccine deployment, however the nature of these activities is such that the funding is not managed on the basis of each vaccine deployed. Whilst the NHS is not paid per vaccine, they deliver the programme and as such will be reimbursed by the Scottish Government for the costs associated with this.

2. In instances when GPs are being paid per vaccine as opposed to sessional rates for a board, they should be paid £12.58 per dose (unless their health board has agreed to pay them more). Additional information on - PCA(M)(2020)17 - COVID-19 Vaccination Directed Enhanced Service (DES) (

The Scottish Government has set sessional rates for independent contractors (dentists, GPs, optometrists and pharmacists) taking part in the COVID-19 vaccination programme. These rates reflect both the market conditions for hiring these professionals and the roles Scottish Government is looking for them to fill in the programme.

There are differences in rates of pay for vaccinator staff, broadly as follows:

  • Independent contractors who are filling a Consent Management and Vaccination role will receive a fee of £231 a session. This sessional fee applies irrespective of whether contractor staff are being retained through a staff bank or whether you have already (or are planning to) conclude a Provisions of Service Agreement with the contractor. The sessional rate can be offered to dentists and optometrists (other than those employed by Boards), in accordance with Circulars PCA(D)(2020)14 in respect of dentists, and Circular PCA(O)2020(20) in respect of optometrists. The sessional rate may only be offered to the pharmacy contractor, the entity noted on the NHS Boards Pharmaceutical List, in accordance with Circular PCA(P)(2020)26, issued in November 2020. This approach will allow us to ensure the availability of sufficient trained workforce to maintain the full range of current pharmaceutical care services.
  • Independent contractors who are filling a Consent Management, Vaccination and Enhanced Leadership role will receive a fee of £231 plus a local supplement dependent on the extent of leadership required as well as local market conditions. This is open to GPs and pharmacy contractors who are pharmaceutical care services on behalf of the NHS Board.

We encourage as many staff as possible to join the vaccination effort to ensure that we have a highly skilled, capable, able and resilient workforce in place to vaccinate the people of Scotland.

Everyone employed to work on the programme is paid in accordance with nationally set terms and conditions and are working to their agreed job roles, which come with specified rates of pay.

Additional information on NHS vaccinators pay data for Scotland
NHS Professionals - Join the Covid-19 Vaccine Team

3. The Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested. However, you may wish to contact the Scottish National Party itself as they would hold this information. This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

Please see contact details below:
email address and website link Contact — Scottish National Party (

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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