
COVID 19 Coronavirus testing: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

1) I would like to know how many false positives Scotland has had since testing started for sars-cov-2??
2) I would like to know how many people are testing more than twice a week as this would mean figures are being falsified if your counting the same person twice or three times would it not?
3) Why testing healthy people how much us each test cost?
4) How much until this date has Scottish government spent on testing?
5) What companies are being used to supply Scotland?
6) Do politicians and family members have shares in these companies that are making test kits?
7) How many people in Scotland have died 28 days after first dose of experimental potion?
8) How many people have died 28 days after receiving second dose of experimental potion?


Question 1
This is a formal notice under Section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance we are unable to provide the information you have requested because the Scottish Government does not record false positives for SARS-Cov2.

However, the information you have requested in relation to the number of false positive tests since testing for COVID-19 began in Scotland may be available via Public Health Scotland.

Information for contacting Public Health Scotland can be found at: Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulation (EIR) requests - Contact us - Public Health Scotland

Question 2
This is a formal notice under Section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

However, it might be helpful to explain that an individual can test many times but will be counted as a single positive case if they contract Covid-19. The data on the Scottish Government website includes the number of individuals who have tested positive for the first time and the total number of positive tests as two separate figures.

Additional information on COVID-19 testing can be found at: COVID-19 Daily Dashboard | Tableau Public

Question 3
Under Section 25(1) of FOISA, we do not have to give you information which is already reasonably accessible to you. 

Testing of people who are not symptomatic plays a critical role in stopping the spread of the virus, and is key to breaking chains of transmission. Since 19 November 2020, there have been 13,461,125 LFD (Lateral Flow Device) tests carried out in Scotland, of which 89,113 were positive. Further information can be found in the weekly COVID-19 statistical report - Publications - Public Health Scotland.

In regards to the costs of each test this can be obtained from the UK Government as they procure tests for COVID-19 on behalf of the Scottish Government. More information on the process can be found at:

National technical validation process for manufacturers of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) tests.

Question 4
I have provided a breakdown below of spending figures on COVID-19 testing to the date of your request.

Resource spend within the Health portfolio in Scotland for 2020-21 was £152 million and capital spend was £21 million. A further £211 million for Test and Protect has been allocated to Health Boards by Scottish Government thus far in 2021-22. Scottish Government spend excludes amounts paid for the
United Kingdom via the national testing programme.

Question 5
This request is invalid because it does not describe any specific information being requested. A request is not valid if it does not, in accordance with Section 8(1)(c) of FOISA describe the information requested.

Your request does not clearly describe which specific items you are referring to when asking ‘what companies are being used to supply Scotland’.

As a result we do not consider it to be a valid request under FOISA. Accordingly, we are not obliged to respond to it. If you wish to rephrase your request to clearly describe the information you are looking for, we would be able to consider your request and respond in accordance with FOISA. If you need any
further advice and assistance to rephrase your request, you may find it helpful to look at the Scottish Information Commissioner’s ‘Tips for requesting information under FOI and the EIRs’ on his website at: Tips for requesters.

However, if your request is in relation to the companies supplying testing kits to Scotland, then I have included links below that you may find helpful.

The National Services Scotland (NSS) provides services and advice to the NHS and wider public sector. Information on how to contact NSS can be found at: Freedom of information | National Services Scotland.

In addition, further information can be obtained from the UK Government as they procure tests for COVID-19 on behalf of the Scottish Government. More information on the process can be found at:  National technical validation process for manufacturers of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) tests.

Question 6
This is a formal notice under Section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

However, you may wish to review the Register of Interests. The Register provides details about MSP’s financial interests and benefits. All MSPs are legally required to provide these details. The Register of Interests is publicly available and updated every time there is a change.

Question 7
Under Section 25(1) of FOISA, we do not have to give you information which is already reasonably accessible to you. 

Public Health Scotland (PHS) publish a weekly COVID-19 statistical report, I have included an extract from this along with further information below for your convenience. The COVID-19 statistical report published on 03 November 2021 has the most up to date results of COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccine status.

In this report deaths by vaccine status are defined as those where an individual has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR test more than 14 days after receiving their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. From 29 December 2020 (21 days after the start of the vaccination programme in Scotland to account
for protection to develop after the first dose) to 22 October 2021, there have been 4,836 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths with a positive PCR result and where COVID-19 was recorded as an underlying or contributory cause on the death certificate.

Of these, 307 (6.3%) had received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Please see pages 45 and 46 in the latest full report for confirmed figures. It should be noted that to account for differences in population size and age of vaccination status groups over time that agestandardised mortality rates were calculated for deaths where COVID-19 was listed as an underlying or contributory cause of death on the death certificate.

Question 8
Under Section 25(1) of FOISA, we do not have to give you information which is already reasonably accessible to you.

As stated in response to Question 7, Public Health Scotland (PHS) publish a weekly COVID-19 statistical report. I have included an extract from this along with further information below for your

The COVID-19 statistical report published on 03 November 2021 has the most up to date results of COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccine status.

In this report deaths by vaccine status are defined as those where an individual has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR test more than 14 days after receiving their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

From 29 December 2020 (21 days after the start of the vaccination programme in Scotland to account for protection to develop after the first dose) to 22 October 2021, there have been 4,836 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths with a positive PCR result and where COVID-19 was recorded as an underlying or contributory cause on the death certificate.

Of these, 1,072 (22.2%) had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Please see pages 45 and 46 in the latest full report for confirmed figures. It should be noted that to account for differences in population size and age of vaccination status groups over time that agestandardised mortality rates were calculated for deaths where COVID-19 was listed as an underlying or contributory cause of death on the death certificate.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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