
Information regarding Covid-19 vaccines: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

1. How much are receiving for each vaccine?

2. What health CEOs have pharmaceutical companies shares that's all CEOs in all nhs scot departments??

3. How much money for each patient tested positive??

4. How much money does Scottish government receive for each test??

5. Has any of bill gates companies donated monies to the Scottish if so how much and what departments ??

6. Have the governments doctors looked fir alternative therapeutic treatments for convid19??

7. Are doctors ignoring their hippocratic oath by allowing people to die and be maimed by an experimental potion??(vaccine)that's still on trial to 2023??

8. Again proof the delta plus variant even exists ??


1. PHS provides public health advice. It does not receive money for the application of any vaccine. This is a formal notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act that the Scottish Government does not hold the information you have requested.

2. The Scottish Government does not hold information on the shares held by any individual working for the NHS. You may wish to redirect this query to individual Health Boards.

This is a formal notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act that the Scottish Government does not hold the information you have requested.

3. The Scottish Government does not receive money for any administered Covid-19 test, regardless of result. This is a formal notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act that the Scottish Government does not hold the information you have requested.

4. Please refer to the answer to question 3.

5. The Scottish Government has not received any donations from any of Bill Gates' companies. This is a formal notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act that the Scottish Government does not hold the information you have requested.

6. Potential new therapeutic approaches to COVID-19 are being tested through the UK-wide platform trials, including RECOVERY, PRINCIPLE and REMAP CAP. These trials are active in Scotland and the Scottish Government continues to closely monitor the outcomes of these trials to ensure medicines with the greatest impact in treating COVID-19 are available for patients in Scotland.

7. This request is for a clinical opinion rather than information held by the Scottish Government. This s a formal notice that this is an invalid request under Section 8 of FOISA.

8. Under section 25(1) of FOISA, we do not have to give you information which is already reasonably accessible to you. If, however, you do not have internet access to obtain this information from the website listed, then please contact me again and I will send you a paper copy. Throughout the epidemic, having a clear route for synthesising scientific evidence and presenting that to Government is important. To do this, scientific advice is provided by the Scottish Government COVID-19 Advisory Group, details of which can be found at Scottish Government COVID-19 Advisory Group - ( The Scottish Government is informed by SAGE, and its sub groups. Details can be found at: List of participants of SAGE and related sub-groups - GOV.UK (

To assist you with your query, multiple scientific papers that are publicly accessible, have documented that they were able to isolate SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of Covid-19. The following hyperlink will direct you to some of the papers that detail the isolation of the virus. Isolation of SARS-COV-2 - Google Scholar

About FOI
The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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