
Low Emission Zone support fund: EIR release

Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004

Information requested

1. How many of the vehicle grants (£2000 cash grant to incentivise disposal of a non-LEZ compliant vehicle) have been awarded in total?

2. How many of the vehicle grants (£2000 cash grant to incentivise disposal of a non-LEZ compliant vehicle) have been awarded in the Aberdeen city & shire LEZ catchment area?

3. How many micro-businesses have received the £2500 cash grant for disposing & changing a non-compliant vehicle, and how many grants in total have been given out in total?

4. How many micro-businesses in the Aberdeen city / shire catchment area have received the £2500 cash grant, and how many grants in total have been given out in total for this area?


The Low Emission Zone support fund aims to support lower income households and micro-businesses that are anticipated to have the greatest difficulty adapting to Low Emission Zones. This provides £3.7 million in 2021-22 in grant funding for the disposal of non-LEZ compliant vehicles, uptake of sustainable travel options or towards the cost of retrofitting existing vehicles to LEZ entry standards.

This fund considers the proximity of the household or business to the LEZ, with funding provided for eligible applicants within a 20km radius of each of the four LEZs. As population size within these areas varies significantly between city regions, any interpretation of funding at city level should consider the relative population sizes along with the number of grants.

The below data includes grants paid for the current 2021-22 financial year up to 10 January 2022. As there will be further grants more recently awarded that have not yet been claimed or paid, the below totals for the financial year will rise further:
1. How many of the vehicle grants (£2000 cash grant to incentivise disposal of a non-LEZ compliant vehicle) have been awarded in total? 688 grants.

2. How many of the vehicle grants (£2000 cash grant to incentivise disposal of a non-LEZ compliant vehicle) have been awarded in the Aberdeen city & shire LEZ catchment area? 27 grants.

3. How many micro-businesses have received the £2500 cash grant for disposing & changing a non-compliant vehicle, and how many grants in total have been given out in total? 429 micro-businesses and 474 grants.

4. How many micro-businesses in the Aberdeen city / shire catchment area have received the £2500 cash grant, and how many grants in total have been given out in total for this area? 7 micro-businesses and 11 grants.

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
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