
Recruitment of Ferguson Marine Chief Executive Officer (CEO): FOI Review

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

David Tydeman:

  1. On what date did the recruitment process for the job of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Ferguson Marine begin?
  2. How many candidates were (a) approached (b) interviewed for the job of CEO?
  3. How were the candidates for the CEO position identified?
  4. What criteria was used to shortlist candidates for interview?
  5. By what means (i.e. virtual, telephone or in-person meeting) were the interviews conducted?
  6. Please explain David Tydeman’s previous professional experience, what period this covered and why it is specifically relevant to shipbuilding and Ferguson Marine?
  7. Was a recruitment consultant used and if so how were they remunerated (fixed fee or % of agreed salary/day rate)? What was the cost of this?
  8. What specialist skills were identified as critical for applicants for the CEO job?
  9. Was David Tydeman employed at the time he was recruited? If so, who was his employer? If not, how long had he been unemployed?
  10. What references were secured to support the appointment of David Tydeman?
  11. Who was on the panel that appointed David Tydeman?
  12. Did the panel secure the input of any independent specialist advisors (ie PWC or KPMG) to endorse this appointment?
  13. Was the appointment of David Tydeman signed off by an elected member of the Scottish Government and, if so, who?
  14. What is the agreed daily rate or yearly salary for David Tydeman? How has this rate been benchmarked with similar appointments especially in Scotland?
  15. Does this rate include a payment to a recruitment consultant (if appropriate)?
  16. Will David Tydeman continue to be employed as a Director of Tydeman Ltd and, if so, how many days per month will David Tydeman commit to this role on top of his employment as CEO at Ferguson Marine?
  17. What are the agreed weekly hours for David Tydeman and who holds responsibility for approving additional hours?
  18. What is the contractual duration of David Tydeman’s appointment? Is this a full-time and permanent contract?
  19. Which Scottish Government ministers or officials within Transport Scotland and CMAL have overall responsibility for the output and performance of David Tydeman as CEO at Ferguson Marine?
  20. What arrangements will exist for the periodic ongoing review of David Tydeman’s output?
  21. What weekly expenses (including travel and accommodation) have been agreed for David Tydeman?

Tim Hair

  1. On what date did Tim Hair confirm his intention to depart as Turnaround Director for Ferguson Marine?
  2. Please confirm if Tim Hair will receive a severance package and, if so, please set out the details of this package?
  3. Please release the monthly progress reports which are sent to the Scottish Government, CMAL and Transport Scotland and which set out the output of the Turnaround Director at Ferguson Marine for the months June 2021-December 2021 inclusive?


Further to my letter of 28 February 2022, I have now completed my review of our failure to respond to your request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) for information relating to the recruitment process for the Ferguson Marine Chief Executive Officer.
In accordance with section 21(4) of FOISA, I have also reached a decision on your request.

I apologise for the delay in responding to your request due to the document reviewing process taking longer than expected. I can now provide our response to your original request.

Response to your request

David Tydeman
1. On what date did the recruitment process for the job of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Ferguson Marine begin?
Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

2. How many candidates were (a) approached (b) interviewed for the job of CEO?
48 were approached, with 34 returning interest and were briefed on the role. 21 potential candidates further engaged in the detailed briefing and screening discussions. Nine of which were subsequently interviewed and assessed by Odgers Berndtson. Two candidates were then put forward for interview by a panel including the Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow (FMPG) Chair.

3. How were the candidates for the CEO position identified?
194 individuals were identified from a global market mapping exercise carried out by Odgers Berndston.

4. What criteria was used to shortlist candidates for interview?
Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

5. By what means (i.e. virtual, telephone or in-person meeting) were the interviews conducted?
Candidates interviewed by 4 person Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow (FMPG) Non-Executives selection panel (Chairman, 2 x shipbuilding experienced, 1 x recruitment/HR specialist). Candidates were interviewed twice. First interview done virtually with formal, structured questions set. Second interview in-person, more informal and with ‘open’ format allowing interrogation of specific areas of interest (potential strengths/weaknesses).

6. Please explain David Tydeman’s previous professional experience, what period this covered and why it is specifically relevant to shipbuilding and Ferguson Marine?
Mr Tydeman started his career as a Lloyds Register surveyor at a Govan shipyard after graduating as a naval architect at Southampton University in 1976. He then spent 20 years in the marine, shipbuilding and offshore industries, including roles at Occidental; the American Bureau of Shipping; and Vickers Marine (now Rolls-Royce Marine) as director of global technical support and services.

From 2000, he secured a series of strategic leadership and executive management roles, including vice president at Cap Gemini, working on Network Rail’s acquisition of Railtrack; chief operating officer at AWG plc, leading on the sale of Morrison plc businesses; and CEO at Skanska, where he managed complex PFI contracts for schools and hospitals.

Between 2008 and 2018, he was group chief executive at Oyster Yachts, a British designer and builder of luxury yachts. He then spent 18 months as chairman at Fairline Yachts, a British manufacturer of luxury motor yachts. Since then, he has been providing consultancy services for several luxury yacht construction projects.

Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly –

7. Was a recruitment consultant used and if so how were they remunerated (fixed fee or % of agreed salary/day rate)? What was the cost of this?
The FMPG Board, led by the Chair recruited David Tydeman as the new Chief Executive of FMPG. The Chair employed consultant’s Odgers Berndtson to carry out the recruitment process. As the FMPG Board carried out the recruitment, the Scottish Government does not hold any detail on the costs involved.

Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

8. What specialist skills were identified as critical for applicants for the CEO job?
Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

9. Was David Tydeman employed at the time he was recruited? If so, who was his employer? If not, how long had he been unemployed?
Between 2008 and 2018, Mr Tydeman was group chief executive at Oyster Yachts, a British designer and builder of luxury yachts. He then spent 18 months as chairman at Fairline Yachts, a British manufacturer of luxury motor yachts. Since then, he has been providing consultancy services for several luxury yacht construction projects.

10. What references were secured to support the appointment of David Tydeman?
Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

11. Who was on the panel that appointed David Tydeman?
Candidates interviewed by 4 person FMPG Non-Executives selection panel (Chairman, 2 x shipbuilding experienced, 1 x recruitment/HR specialist).

12. Did the panel secure the input of any independent specialist advisors (ie PWC or KPMG) to endorse this appointment?
Mr Tydeman was first identified by FMPG’s appointed executive search specialists (Odgers Berndston), who then interviewed him and put him forward as recommended to FMPG as worthy of consideration.

13. Was the appointment of David Tydeman signed off by an elected member of the Scottish Government and, if so, who?
The appointment of Mr Tydeman as Chief Executive was for Ferguson Marine to make. The appointment was noted by the Director General for Economy and the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy. When identified as the preferred candidate for the role, prior to his appointment, Mr Tydeman met virtually with the Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism, and Enterprise.

14. What is the agreed daily rate or yearly salary for David Tydeman? How has this rate been benchmarked with similar appointments especially in Scotland?
A comprehensive benchmarking exercise was conducted by Odgers Berndtson and the salary and benefits package falls well within the range of what other executives in similar roles receive. Mr Tydeman is paid £205k per annum.

15. Does this rate include a payment to a recruitment consultant (if appropriate)?
Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors carried out the recruitment for the new CEO. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

16. Will David Tydeman continue to be employed as a Director of Tydeman Ltd and, if so, how many days per month will David Tydeman commit to this role on top of his employment as CEO at Ferguson Marine?
Mr Tydeman’s contract is managed by the Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

17. What are the agreed weekly hours for David Tydeman and who holds responsibility for approving additional hours?
Mr Tydeman’s contract is managed by the Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

18. What is the contractual duration of David Tydeman’s appointment? Is this a full-time and permanent contract?
Mr Tydeman’s employment status is as a permanent employee of FMPG. Mr Tydeman’s contract is managed by the Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors. For more information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at

19. Which Scottish Government ministers or officials within Transport Scotland and CMAL have overall responsibility for the output and performance of David Tydeman as CEO at Ferguson Marine?
The Chair, in consultation with the FMPG Board as a whole, will assess the performance of Mr Tydeman on a continuous basis. They are also responsible for undertaking an annual appraisal of the CEO and will develop KPI’s to guide this.

Monthly progress reports are sent to the Scottish Government, and shared with CMAL.

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Economy is the Scottish Government Minister responsible for Ferguson Marine.

20. What arrangements will exist for the periodic ongoing review of David Tydeman’s output?
The Chair, in consultation with the FMPG Board as a whole, will assess the performance of Mr Tydeman on a continuous basis. They are also responsible for undertaking an annual appraisal of the CEO and will develop KPI’s to guide this.

Monthly progress reports are sent to the Scottish Government, and shared with CMAL.

21. What weekly expenses (including travel and accommodation) have been agreed for David Tydeman?
Mr Tydeman’s contract is managed by the Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors. For information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

Tim Hair
1. On what date did Tim Hair confirm his intention to depart as Turnaround Director for Ferguson Marine?

Mr Hair’s contract has been managed by the Ferguson Marine’s Board of Directors since August 2020. For information on this matter, I would advise that you contact Ferguson Marine directly at  This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

2. Please confirm if Tim Hair will receive a severance package and, if so, please set out the details of this package?
Mr Hair’s contract has been managed by the Ferguson Marine Board of Directors since August 2020, though I can confirm there is no severance package in place. There was a retention arrangement put in place whereby 10% of each month’s fees was accrued to be invoiced at the end of December 2020. Since then a further retention arrangement has been in place whereby 20% of fees since July 2021 were held back to be paid at the end of December 2021.

3. Please release the monthly progress reports which are sent to the Scottish Government, CMAL and Transport Scotland and which set out the output of the Turnaround Director at Ferguson Marine for the months June 2021-December 2021 inclusive?
The monthly progress reports sent to the Scottish Government you have requested are now available on the Scottish Government website - Ferguson Marine: documents - (

Under section 25(1) of FOISA, we do not have to give you information which is already reasonably accessible to you. If, however, you do not have internet access to obtain this information from the website listed, then please contact me again and I will send you a paper copy.

The reasons why we don’t have some of the information you have requested are explained in the Annex A to this letter.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

FOI - 202200283113 - Information Released - Annex A


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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