
Transport Scotland training providers

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

1. For the Financial year 2021/22 please confirm whether your organisation purchased any training from the below Training Providers together with the value of the training purchased:

  • Elite Training & Consultancy
  • Global Knowledge
  • Indicia Training
  • QA Ltd
  • The Knowledge Academy

2. Which of the below training areas did you purchase and what was the value purchased for each area?

  • Agile & Scrum
  • Business Analysis
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Analytics
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • IT Service Management
  • Lean/Lean Six Sigma
  • Project & Programme Management
  • Software Testing
  • Technical IT Training

3. If you did purchase training in any of the areas listed in question 2, but not via Elite Training & Consultancy/Global Knowledge/Indicia Training/QA Ltd or The Knowledge Academy, which training provider did you purchase from and what was the total value of the training purchased? Please also confirm the training area purchased together with a breakdown of spend in each area.

4. Did your organisation purchase any digital learning subscription licences in Financial Year 2021/22 from any of the below digital learning platforms? If the answer is yes, how many licences did you purchase and what was the total value of the purchase?

  • A Cloud Guru
  • CBT Nuggets
  • Cloud Academy
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Plural Sight

5. What are your organisation's procurement rules around purchasing training and how do these change when certain value thresholds are reached, see examples below.

  • under £5,000 - 1 quote,
  • over £5,000 but under £10,000 - 3 quotes required
  • over £10,000 – 5 quotes via an open procurement exercise
  • over £20,000 – full tender exercise

6. Does your organisation use any of the below public sector procurement frameworks to procure training and if so which one/s? Please also confirm the value of training purchased from each framework in relation to the training areas listed in question 2.

  • Crown Commercial Service Dynamic Purchasing Service (DPS)
  • G Cloud 12
  • ESPO
  • Scottish Government Project Management Framework

7. If you use an alternative procurement framework to procure training in the training areas listed in question 2 which framework do you use?

8. Do you have a competency framework in place? If yes, which department manages this. If no, is there a central training function, if yes, where does this report to?

9. Is the expectation that budget will be made available for training 2022/2023, if yes what value?



1. For the Financial year 2021/22 please confirm whether your organisation purchased any training from the below Training Providers together with the value of the training purchased.

  • Elite Training & Consultancy – Yes (£1188)
  • Global Knowledge - No
  • Indicia Training - No
  • QA Ltd - No
  • The Knowledge Academy - Noc

2. Which of the below training areas did you purchase and what was the value purchased for each area?

  • Project & Programme Management - Elite Training and Consultancy (£1069)
  • Technical IT Training – Elite Training and Consultancy (£119)

3. If you did purchase training in any of the areas listed in question 2, but not via Elite Training & Consultancy/Global Knowledge/Indicia Training/QA Ltd or The Knowledge Academy, which training provider did you purchase from and what was the total value of the training purchased? Please also confirm the training area purchased together with a breakdown of spend in each area.

Transport Scotland did not purchase from any other training provider not listed in Q1 relating to training areas listed in Q2.

4. Did your organisation purchase any digital learning subscription licences in Financial Year 2021/22 from any of the below digital learning platforms? If the answer is yes, how many licences did you purchase and what was the total value of the purchase?

From our records Transport Scotland did not purchase any digital learning subscription licences in Financial year 2021/22

5. What are your organisation's procurement rules around purchasing training and how do these change when certain value thresholds are reached, see examples below.
We procure in line with legislative requirements, and training will generally be below the thresholds in the regulations. Within Transport Scotland, where procurement is the correct route, staff should either call off from an available framework, or run a quick quote including at least 3 relevant suppliers if no appropriate framework is available.

6. Does your organisation use any of the below public sector procurement frameworks to procure training and if so which one/s? Please also confirm the value of training purchased from each framework in relation to the training areas listed in question 2.
From Transport Scotland’s Procurement Team records, we have not found any references to the frameworks listed by the requester for training.

7. If you use an alternative procurement framework to procure training in the training areas listed in question 2 which framework do you use?
For the financial year 21/22, there was one purchase for training from the Scottish Government Project Delivery Training framework.

8. Do you have a competency framework in place? If yes, which department manages this. If no, is there a central training function, if yes, where does this report to?
Transport Scotland uses the Procurement Development Framework from the Scottish Government. All of our Delegated Purchasing Authorities are asked to fill this in, along with staff from the Procurement and Contracts Branch. We use the information from this to identify areas where procurement training could be beneficial, although over the last couple of years, procurement training has been delivered in-house.

9. Is the expectation that budget will be made available for training 2022/2023, if yes what value?
Budget will be made available for training within Transport Scotland for 2022/23. The allocation amount is currently being reviewed by the Finance team so is unavailable at this time. As reference the allocation for 2021/22 was £114,951.79.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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