
How much money the Government has spent on combatting modern day slavery, people trafficking and sexual exploitation between 2018 and 2022 : FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

1. How much money has the Scottish Government spent on combatting modern slavery with a breakdown per year between 2018-2022?

2. Breakdown on what the money was spent on?

3. What money has the Scottish government earmarked for helping to combat Modern slavery?


I enclose a copy of all of the information you requested.

How much money has the Scottish Government spent on combatting modern slavery with a breakdown per year between 2018-2022 and breakdown on what the money was spent on?

Migrant Help and the Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance, known as TARA, are funded by the Scottish Government to support adult victims of human trafficking and exploitation. TARA support women trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and Migrant Help support all other adult victims of human trafficking and exploitation. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde provide a national psychological trauma support service to adult trafficking victims. The Scottish Government funds the Scottish Guardianship Service to provide a guardian to unaccompanied children and young people, who are victim, or at risk, of trafficking.

  2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
Trafficking Awareness
Raising Alliance (TARA)
£372,527.23 £445,306.53 £439,209.32 £467,975.50
Migrant Help £503,875.08 £608,125.17 £702,744.00 £1,299,248.56
NHS Greater Glasgow
and Clyde
£135,307.83 £140,125.32 £140,589.85 £109,540.90
Scottish Guardianship
£300,000.00 £300,000.00 £286,746.75 £316,884.92

A wide range of partners throughout Scotland also dedicate resources under the framework of a collaborative approach set out in the Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy which was published in May 2017. Further information on the range of work undertaken to combat human trafficking and exploitation can be found within the annual progress reports:

First Annual Progress Report
Second Annual Progress Report
Third Annual Progress Report
Fourth Annual Progress Report

What money has the Scottish government earmarked for helping to combat Modern slavery?
The Victim Centred Approach Fund, which will be worth more than £48m over the next three years, includes significantly increased funding for organisations supporting victims of human trafficking and exploitation.

TARA and Migrant Help will share over £6.35 million between 2022 and 2025 to provide support and assistance to adult victims of trafficking and exploitation.

Over the same three year period, we are providing £795k to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to deliver a national psychological trauma support service to adult trafficking victims; £480k to Justice and Care to support two Victim Navigators working alongside Police Scotland’s National Human Trafficking Unit; £130k to JustRight Scotland to support the work of their Scottish Anti-Trafficking Centre, including early legal advice to potential victims, and £329K to Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland to provide longer-term support to survivors.

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
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