Engagement of developing anti-racist infrastructure / Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

  1. FROM January 2021 and TILL June 2023, how many times did the then Minister for Equalities and Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, meet BEMIS, CEMVO or CRER as strategic partners to the Scottish Government; what dates, who attended and for what purpose?
  2. FROM November 2020 TILL June 2023, how many times did the then Minister for Equalities and Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, meet with the co-chairs (together or separately) of the Interim Governance Group on Developing anti-racist infrastructure / Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group? What dates, who attended and for what purpose?
  3. FROM Nov 2020 and TILL June 2023, how many times did the strategic leads within Directorate for Equality, Inclusion & Human Rights meet the co-chairs (together or separately) of the Interim Governance Group on Developing anti-racist infrastructure / Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group? What dates and who was at meetings?
  4. FROM January 2021 and TILL June 2023 included how many times have the Race Equality Unit met with BEMIS, CEMVO or CRER on the topic of the Interim Governance Group on Developing Anti-Racist Infrastructure?
  5. FROM Jan 2022 and TILL June 2023 how many times have the Race Equality Unit met with BEMIS, CEMVO and CRER as part of the regular meetings? What dates, who attended? Any scheduled meetings with noted groups for June /July/ August 2023?
  6. How many times have the co-chairs of the anti-racism governance group developing the observatory met Irish community organisations between January 2021 and July 2023?
  7. How many Irish community organisations have met or been represented on the developing anti racist infrastructure group? Who and when?
  8. How many people of Irish ethnicity or organisations have been engaged by the community engagement work of the anti racism governance group?
  9. Does the anti-racism governance group accept that anti-Irish racism exists and that this community has been racialised in Scotland for over 150 years?
  10. How many times has the race equality unit of the Scottish Government met Irish community organisations between January 2021-July 2023?


While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance the Scottish Government does not have some of the information you have requested. The reasons for this are explained in the Annex to this letter.

Furthermore, in this instance we are unable to provide some of the information you have requested because an exemption under section 38(1)(b) (personal information) of FOISA applies. The reasons for this are explained in the Annex to this letter.

Response to your request

1. FROM January 2021 and TILL June 2023, how many times did the then Minister for Equalities and Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, meet BEMIS, CEMVO or CRER as strategic partners to the Scottish Government; what dates, who attended and for what purpose?

Information on Ministerial engagements can be accessed via: https://www.gov.scot/collections/ministerialengagements-travel-and-gifts/

2. FROM November 2020 TILL June 2023, how many times did the then Minister for Equalities and Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, meet with the co-chairs (together or separately) of the Interim Governance Group on Developing anti-racist infrastructure / Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group? What dates, who attended and for what purpose?

Please note that Ms Emma Roddick was appointed Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees on 29th March 2023, replacing Ms. Christina McKelvie who was the previous Minister for Equalities and Older People. We have therefore also included information on meetings held between Ms. Roddick and the AIGG co-chairs from the period she took on her ministerial role at the end of March 2023 to the end of June 2023.

  • 2nd November 2022 – Ms McKelvie met with the AIGG Co-Chairs. The purpose of the meeting was to “provide an update on IGG developments since the Co-chairs last met with the Minister. This includes to renew the focus on gathering potential support for resourcing across Ministerial Portfolios (ahead of the bilateral meeting scheduled between Ms McKelvie and Mr Yousaf on 16 November).”

Also in attendance were a policy officer and the team lead for Race Equality.

  • 10th May 2023 – Ms Roddick met with AIGG Co-Chairs. The purpose of the meeting was to “provide an opportunity for the Minister to meet the AIGG Co-Chairs, and to discuss next steps regarding the forthcoming Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland.”

Also in attendance were a policy officer and the team lead for the Strategic Team for Anti-Racism (STAR), the team was previously named the Race Equality Team, but the name changed in May 2023.

  • 28th June 2023 – Ms Roddick met with Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group to Develop National Anti-Racism Infrastructure (AIGG) Co-Chairs. The purpose of the meeting was to “provide an opportunity for the Minister to meet the AIGG Co-Chairs to discuss modelling options regarding the forthcoming Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland.”

Also in attendance was the strategic lead for STAR.

3. FROM Nov 2020 and TILL June 2023, how many times did the strategic leads within Directorate for Equality, Inclusion & Human Rights meet the co-chairs (together or separately) of the Interim Governance Group on Developing anti-racist infrastructure / Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group? What dates and who was at meetings?

The Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group to Develop National Anti-Racism Infrastructure (AIGG) was established on the 20th April 2022. There is no information pertaining to meetings between the AIGG and other individuals/teams prior to this as the AIGG did not exist.

Information found indicates that the strategic lead for the Strategic Team for Anti-Racism (previously Race Equality Team) met with the AIGG Co-Chairs on the following dates:

  • 16th August 2022 - in attendance were Strategic lead for STAR, Team lead for STAR, 1 x policy officer and both co-chairs
  • 4th October 2022 – in attendance were Strategic lead for STAR, Team lead for STAR, 1 x policy officer and both co-chairs
  • 8th November 2022 – in attendance were Strategic lead for STAR, Team lead for STAR, 1 x policy officer and both co-chairs
  • 10th January 2023 – in attendance was the strategic lead for STAR, 1 x policy officer and 1 x co-chair
  • 7th February 2023 - in attendance were Strategic lead for STAR, Team lead for STAR, 1 x policy officer and 1 x co-chair
  • 9th May 2023 – in attendance were Strategic lead for STAR, Team lead for STAR, 1 x policy officer and both co-chairs

4. FROM January 2021 and TILL June 2023 included how many times have the Race Equality Unit met with BEMIS, CEMVO or CRER on the topic of the Interim Governance Group on Developing Anti-Racist Infrastructure?

The Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group to Develop National Anti-Racism Infrastructure (AIGG) was established on the 20th April 2022, therefore there were no meetings prior to that date as the AIGG did not exist. Since the AIGG was established until June 2023, there is no record of any meetings have taken place between the Race Equality Unit and BEMIS, CEMVO and/or CRER on the topic of the AIGG.

No information held. Reasons for this can be found in the annex to this letter.

5) FROM Jan 2022 and TILL June 2023 how many times have the Race Equality Unit met with BEMIS, CEMVO and CRER as part of the regular meetings? What dates, who attended? Any scheduled meetings with noted groups for June /July/ August 2023? BEMIS

Information found indicates that there were 3 meetings held between the Race Equality team (now Strategic Team for Antiracism) and BEMIS between January 2022 and June 2023. The meetings took place on the following dates:

  • 27th September 2022 – in attendance were 1 x policy officer, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 official from Inspiring Scotland and 4 x BEMIS staff.
  • 11th October 2022 – in attendance were 1 x policy officer and 1 x BEMIS staff.
  • 1st December 2022 – in attendance were Race Equality team (no individual names recorded) and BEMIS staff (names not recorded)

Inspiring Scotland lead on relationship management in relation to a grant given to BEMIS under the Equality and Human Rights Fund.

Information found indicate there were 6 meetings held between the Race Equality team (now Strategic Team for Antiracism - STAR) and CEMVO between January 2022 and June 2023. The meetings took place on the following dates:

  • 25th July 2022 – in attendance were 1 x policy officer, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland and 4 x CEMVO staff
  • 22nd September 2022 - in attendance were 1 x policy officer, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland and 4 x CEMVO staff
  • 6th October 2022 – in attendance were 1 policy manager and 1 x CEMVO staff.
  • 24th November 2023 – in attendance were Race Equality team (no individual names recorded), 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland, 2 x officials from National Records Scotland and 2 x CEMVO staff.
  • 20th February 2023 - in attendance were 2 x policy officers, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland and 4 x CEMVO staff
  • 19th June 2023 – in attendance were 2 x policy officers, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead and 3 x CEMVO staff
  • There is one regular bi-monthly meeting planned for the 25th August 2023

Inspiring Scotland lead on relationship management in relation to a grant given to CEMVO under the Equality and Human Rights Fund, they are therefore often in attendance at our regular bi-monthly meetings.

Information found indicate there were 5 meetings held between the Race Equality team (now Strategic Team for Antiracism - STAR) and CRER between January 2022 and June 2023. The meetings took place on the following dates:

  • 16th August 2022 – 1 x policy officer, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland and 3 x CRER staff
  • 25th October 2022 – Race Equality team (no individual names recorded) and 3 x CRER staff
  • 5th December 2022 – race equality team and CRER (no individual names recorded)
  • 9th February 2023 - in attendance were 2 x policy officers, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland and 3 x CRER staff
  • 19th April 2023 – in attendance were 2 x policy officers, 2 x policy managers, 1 x team lead, 1 x official from Inspiring Scotland and 3 x CRER staff
  • There is one regular bi-monthly meeting planned for the 19th July 2023

Inspiring Scotland lead on relationship management in relation to a grant given to CRER under the Equality and Human Rights Fund, they are therefore often in attendance at our regular bi-monthly meetings.

6. How many times have the co-chairs of the anti-racism governance group developing the observatory met Irish community organisations between January 2021 and July 2023?

Information not held. Reasons for this can be found in the annex to this letter.

7. How many Irish community organisations have met or been represented on the developing anti racist infrastructure group? Who and when?

Information not held. AIGG membership can be accessed via: Developing National Anti-Racism Infrastructure: Interim Governance Group - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

8. How many people of Irish ethnicity or organisations have been engaged by the community engagement work of the anti-racism governance group?

Information not held. Reasons for this can be found in the annex to this letter.

9. Does the anti-racism governance group accept that anti-Irish racism exists and that this community has been racialised in Scotland for over 150 years?

 Information not held. Reasons for this can be found in the annex to this letter.

The Terms of Reference and AIGG meeting minutes can be accessed via: Developing National Anti-Racism Infrastructure: Interim Governance Group - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

10. How many times has the race equality unit of the Scottish Government met Irish community organisations between January 2021-July 2023?

Information not held. Reasons for this can be found in the annex to this letter.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at http://www.gov.scot/foi-responses.

FOI 202300364244 - Information Released - Annex


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Email: ceu@gov.scot
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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