
Use of Bute House for interviews by the First Ministers wife: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

  1. Can you confirm what the rules are in regards to the first ministers wife, who is not a member of the government, using the taxpayer funded bute house address to film media interviews with the BBC today?
  2. Can you also share the rules on the first minister taking his family to government work events (children and wife) which I note he has done?
  3. Finally please share any guidance written for government staff on taking children or partners to work with them.


Request part 1: Can you confirm what the rules are in regards to the first ministers wife, who is not a member of the government, using the tax-payer funded bute house address to film media interviews with the BBC today?

Guidance for the use of Bute House is provided in the Ministerial code Scottish Ministerial Code: 2023 Edition - ( under ‘Use of Government Property/Resources’. Paragraph 7.2 states “Government property should not generally be used for constituency work or party activities. A particular exception is recognised where a building has been designated as the First Minister’s official residence. Where Ministers host party or personal events in the First Minister’s official residence, it should be at their own or at party expense, with no cost falling on the public purse.”

Request part 2: Can you also share the rules on the first minister taking his family to government work events (children and wife) which I note he has done?

Bute House performs a dual role of both residence and place of work for the First Minister. The spouse, partner or children of any First Minister are welcome to stay at the official residence, and may routinely be in Bute House when the First Minister is conducting official business.

All ministerial engagements are published here: Ministerial engagements, travel and gifts - (

There are no written rules on the First Minister being accompanied by a partner, spouse or children to official engagements. The First Minister’s spouse may be invited to accompany the First Minister on official engagements by the First Minister, or those hosting an event or engagement. The spouse or partner of the First Minister will make their own decisions on whether to accompany the First Minister when invited to an event.

There are no written rules on dependent or adult children accompanying the First Minister to official engagements. Responsibility for any dependent children accompanying the First Minister in Bute House or at any official engagement remains the responsibility of the First Minister or their spouse or partner (or other designated responsible adult, e.g. another family member) at all times.

The Ministerial code includes guidance for the Ministerial Team on proposals for Ministers to be accompanied by their spouse or partner on official visits. The guidance for Ministers other than the First Minister is as shown below:

  • Detailed Arrangements for Overseas Visits. Paragraph 9.9 “The First Minister’s prior written approval is required for any official visit overseas by a special adviser (paid or unpaid) or where it is proposed that a Minister should be accompanied on any official visit overseas by their spouse or partner.”
  • Travelling Expenses of Spouses or Partners Paragraph 9.25 “The expenses of a Minister’s spouse or partner, when accompanying the Minister on the latter’s official duties, may occasionally be paid from public funds, provided that it is clearly in the public interest that they should accompany the Minister. The written agreement of the First Minister must be obtained on each occasion before travel.”

Request part 3: Finally please share any guidance written for government staff on taking children or partners to work with them.

The Scottish Government guidance for staff ‘children and young people at work’ managed by the Scottish Government occupational health and safety branch is attached at Annex A.

All adults attending Scottish Government buildings are subject to standard security access protocols. In relation to your request for ‘written guidance for government staff taking partners to work with them’ - the Scottish Government does not have the information you have asked for. This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

FOI 202300380502 - Information Released - Annex A


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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