Global Ethical Finance Initiative, Ethical Finance Ltd and Islamic Finance Council UK payments: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

You asked for details of specific payments which you would like a further breakdown of and more information about:

 Global Ethical Finance Initiative

  • 120,000.00 07-Apr-21 COP26 Event Programme Directorate for International Trade & Investment
  • 133,330.00 06-Sep-21 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Directorate for International Trade & Investment
  • 63,072.00 27-Oct-21 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Directorate for International Trade & Investment
  • 79,401.00 16-Feb-22 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Directorate for Scottish National Investment Bank
  • 65,781.00 09-Sep-22 Grant payment (Q1) for Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) Directorate for Scottish National Investment Bank
  • 73,844.81 19-Oct-22 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Directorate for International Trade & Investment
  • 88,092.86 16-Jan-23 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Directorate for International Trade & Investment
  • 65,179.65 26-Apr-23 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Directorate for International Trade & Investment

Ethical Finance Ltd

  • 60,000.00 17-Oct-18 Grant funding for support of ethical finance hub operational costs. Directorate for Economic Development
  • 30,000.00 22-Jan-19 Grant support to Ethical Finance Hub Directorate for Economic Development
  • 221,000.00 27-Feb-19 Ethical Finance Hub Grant Directorate for Economic Development 30,000.00 30-Jul-19 Grant agreed for Ethical Finance Hub Directorate for Economic Development
  • 45,000.00 24-Feb-20 Professional Fees Directorate for Scottish National Investment Bank 53,984.00 15-Sep-20 Grant payment to Ethical Finance Hub Ltd. Project - The Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) Directorate for Economic Development

Islamic Finance Council UK

  • 350,000.00 25-Mar-19 Grant payment. Development of Global Ethical Finance Initiative Directorate for Economic Development
  • 82,137.00 15-Sep-20 Grant payment to UK Islamic Finance Council Ltd. Project - The Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) Directorate for Economic Development

1. What the specific purpose of the payments were.

2. All correspondences relating to the payments.

3. When were they applied for and who agreed them?

4. What follow up action has been taken to see how they were used?


 Questions 1 and 3

For the answer to questions 1 and 3, please see table below:

  • what the specific purpose of the payments were
  • when were they applied for and who agreed them





Specific Purpose of payment

Date applied for

Who agreed them


Global Ethical Finance Initiative



Path to COP26 Programme of events

Discussions started late 2020

Approved by (then) Investment Finance Deputy Director Kat Feldinger and included in First Minister ministerial update


Global Ethical Finance Initiative


06-Sep 21


Fulfilment of the Programme for Government Commitment to Establish and convene the Scottish Taskforce for Green and Sustainable Financial Services


Discussions started late 2020


Global Ethical Finance Initiative




Global Ethical Finance Initiative


16-Feb 22


Global Ethical Finance Initiative


09-Sep 22


Global Ethical Finance Initiative




Global Ethical Finance Initiative




Ethical Finance Hub Limited



Development of Ethical Finance Hub.

Feb 2018

Derek Mackay MSP, (then) Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work


Ethical Finance Hub Limited




Ethical Finance Hub Limited




Ethical Finance Hub Limited


27-Feb 19

programme of work in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to support development of new funding models in support of sustainable development,

Oct 2018

Derek Mackay MSP, (then) Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work


Ethical Finance Hub Limited




Ethical Finance Hub Limited



Provision of Advice on Ethical Statement to Scottish national Investment bank project team

Sept 2019

s.17 applies


Islamic Finance Council UK


25-Mar 19

establishment and development of the Global Ethical Finance Initiative


Oct 2018

Derek Mackay MSP, (then) Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and FairWork


Islamic Finance Council UK



Questions 2 and 4

In response to questions 2 and 4, I enclose a copy of some of the information you requested.

Please see attached:

1. Document 1 provides some of the information you requested relating to the payments noted above for Islamic Finance Council UK and Ethical Finance Hub Ltd except for the payment of £45,000

2. Document 2 provides some of the information you requested relating to the payment of £45,000 made under Ethical Finance Hub Ltd

3. Document 3 provides some of the information you requested relating to the payments noted above for Global Ethical Finance Initiative.

4. Document 4 provides some of the information you requested relating to the payments noted above for Path to COP26 programme.

While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance we are unable to provide some of the information you have requested because an exemption(s) under the following section(s) apply

  • s.17 Notice that information is not held;
  • s.25(1) of FOISA applies to information which is already reasonably accessible to you
  • s.30(b)(i) Free and frank provision of advice; s30(b)(ii) Free and frank of exchange of views;
  • s.33(1)(b) Commercial interests;
  • s.38(1)(b) Personal information of FOISA applies to that information.

The reasons why these exemptions apply are explained in the annex A below.

Additionally in relation to question 4, due to the interconnected nature of the 3 companies, please note Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) arose from UK Islamic Finance Council and Ethical Finance Hub is a subsidiary of GEFI. Therefore some of the payment information requested under one company may relate to work carried out within another company. 

Therefore the payments made under:

  • the Islamic Finance Council UK were in relation to establishing and developing the Global Ethical Finance Initiative which the Scottish Government still supports and is currently partnering and collaborating with on the work of the Scottish Taskforce for Green and Sustainable Financial Services.
  • The programme of work with the UNDP established a collaboration and partnering between the Scottish Government and the UNDP to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • The Ethical Finance Hub was established to showcase and promote Scotland as a centre of ethical finance and is now a subsidiary of GEFI.
  • The Path to COP26 programme was part of a programme of work which included launching the Scottish National Investment Bank and shifting the focus of financial services work towards establishing Scotland as a centre for green finance. Taking part in an already established programme of events by GEFI, with proven global audience, was regarded as a rapid way to establish this as the new focus for the work and introduce Scottish Government to key financial institutional players we would need to enter discussions with to achieve it. The funding to GEFI helped to ensure Scottish Government was one of the branded partners of the Pathway to COP programme and ensured access and participation in a series of events, which Scottish Government took part in. This included events alongside the Director General of UNEP, at Glasgow University and virtually across a period of about 6 months.
  • The establishment of the Scottish Taskforce for Green and Sustainable Financial Services (Taskforce) was also part of this programme of work to help pivot our financial services to more green, ethical and sustainable finance. GEFI was seen and recognised by industry as beneficial stakeholder within the Scottish financial services ecosystem who had constructive engagement with wider global audience in green and ethical finance (building on their work from the Islamic Finance Council and Ethical Finance Hub). GEFI were tasked to establish and convene the Taskforce over a period of 3 years with a final report of recommendations presented to Scottish Ministers at the First Minister co-chaired Financial Services Growth and Development Board in Spring 2024. The remit of the Taskforce and the deliverables, as noted in the grant letter, the Terms of Reference are included in the released documents.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

FOI 202300385923 - Information Released - Document 1
FOI 202300385923 - Information Released - Document 2
FOI 202300385923 - Information Released - Document 3
FOI 202300385923 - Information Released - Document 4
FOI 202300385923 - Information Released - Annex A


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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