
Monthly contract costs for Scottish Government mobile phones: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

1) For the following ministers, please provide the contracted monthly contract costs for their Scottish Government mobile for the calendar years 2022 and 2023;

1a) Humza Yousaf
1b) Shona Robison
1c) Angela Constance
1d) Neil Gray
1e) Mairi McAllan
1f) Mairi Gougeon
1g) Angus Robertson
1h) Michael Matheson
1i) Shirley-Anne Somerville
1j) Jenny Gilruth

For avoidance of doubt, this should be the monthly agreed contract for the phone (e.g. £33p/m for each month during the 24 month period).

2) For the following ministers, please provide the actual monthly cost for their Scottish Government mobile for the calendar years 2022 and 2023;

1a) Humza Yousaf
1b) Shona Robison
1c) Angela Constance
1d) Neil Gray
1e) Mairi McAllan
1f) Mairi Gougeon
1g) Angus Robertson
1h) Michael Matheson
1i) Shirley-Anne Somerville
1j) Jenny Gilruth

For avoidance of doubt, this should be the exact amount charged for each month during the 24 month period. Which could be amounts covering usage over and above the contracted usage.

3) Where a monthly figure supplied in response to Q2 is above the amount supplied for the same month supplied in Q1 (e.g. Q1: Jan 22: £33, Q2: Jan 22: £44), please provide the details of the finalised bill for that month. This should include, but not be limited to, a breakdown of costs for calls, text messages, picture messages, or data charges (including but not limited to data roaming charges).

For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a request for phone numbers or any other personal information such as email addresses, addresses etc.


I enclose a copy of all the information you requested.

1) For the following ministers, please provide the contracted monthly contract costs for their Scottish Government mobile for the calendar years 2022 and 2023;

1a) Humza Yousaf
1b) Shona Robison
1c) Angela Constance
1d) Neil Gray
1e) Mairi McAllan
1f) Mairi Gougeon
1g) Angus Robertson
1h) Michael Matheson
1i) Shirley-Anne Somerville
1j) Jenny Gilruth

For avoidance of doubt, this should be the monthly agreed contract for the phone (e.g. £33p/m for each month during the 24 month period).

A table showing the monthly agreed contract costs for each of the above ministers can be found on the Q1 worksheet of ‘202300389224 – Mobile phone costs’ included with the response.

2) For the following ministers, please provide the actual monthly cost for their Scottish Government mobile for the calendar years 2022 and 2023;

1a) Humza Yousaf
1b) Shona Robison
1c) Angela Constance
1d) Neil Gray
1e) Mairi McAllan
1f) Mairi Gougeon
1g) Angus Robertson
1h) Michael Matheson
1i) Shirley-Anne Somerville
1j) Jenny Gilruth

A table showing the actual monthly costs for each of the above ministers can be found on the Q2 worksheet of ‘202300389224 – Mobile phone costs’ included with the response.

3) Where a monthly figure supplied in response to Q2 is above the amount supplied for the same month supplied in Q1 (e.g. Q1: Jan 22: £33, Q2: Jan 22: £44), please provide the details of the finalised bill for that month. This should include, but not be limited to, a breakdown of costs for calls, text messages, picture messages, or data charges (including but not limited to data roaming charges).

A table highlighting where the response in Q2 is above the amount supplied in the same month supplied in Q1 for each of the above ministers can be found on the Q3 worksheet of ‘202300389224 – Mobile phone costs’ included with the response.

A breakdown of these additional costs for each of the above ministers can be found on the Q3 Breakdown worksheet of ‘202300389224 – Mobile phone costs’ included with the response.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

FOI 202300389224 - Information Released - Annex


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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