
Police Pension Scheme and Remedy: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

1. What measures have SPPA introduced since Oct 2023 to deal with concerns raised?

2. How long on average does it take to process and calculate an individual immediate detriment claim?

3. How many immediate detriment pensions have been paid to retired officers since Oct 2023?

4. Can the SPPA provide a guarantee that all timescales will be met?

5. How many members of SPPA staff are currently working on the backlog of immediate detriment pensions?

6. Do SPPA intend to recruit more staff to deal with the backlog?

7. Should timescales not be met what are the consequences for the SPPA and Scottish Government?


1. The SPPA website is kept up to date with the latest information relating to Remedy and when the respective member cohorts can expect to receive their Remedial Service Statements.

2. The time taken to process and calculate an immediate detriment calculation is likely to vary and as no immediate detriment calculations have yet been issued, this average can only be reliably determined once all of the respective calculations required for a Remedial Service Statement have been run, and the RSS generated.

3. At 8 February 2024, no Immediate Detriment payments have been made or Remedial Service Statements issued.

4. SPPA will endeavour to meet all of the timeframes as published on the SPPA website Police Remedy: I'm retired | SPPA (

5. At 8 February 2024, there are no staff working on the processing of immediate detriment pensions however a dedicated team is in the process of being assembled, who will focus on immediate detriment pensions work.

6. No, SPPA does not intend to recruit staff to work on the backlog.

7. SPPA fully intends to comply with the timescales set out in legislation McCloud_Leaflet_FINAL.pdf ( and has published internal deadlines and dates covering communication for members on the SPPA website. The dates for the Police Scheme can be found: Police Remedy: I'm retired | SPPA (

About FOI

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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