
Data on international climate change: EIR release

Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004.

Information requested

1. What actions are being taken by and what future policies does the Scottish Government have to address the accelerating over-population of the world, particularly in the developing countries, as a threat in itself to the preservation of the planet?

2. How much money has been allocated towards the goal of reducing the global population?


The answer to your question is:

The Scottish Government does not have a policy on current global population levels. Our position on Scotland’s population and demography can be found in our 2021 Population Strategy, found at:

Instead, our approach to addressing international climate change is twofold. We focus on climate justice and utilising our role as a well-respected global north country to influence international discussions which guide policies on climate change and biodiversity issues. As co-chair of the Under2Coalition and steering committee member of the Regions4 network, we work with other states, regions and devolved governments on increasing ambition, driving action and on creating fora for knowledge sharing.

The Scottish Government was among the first governments in the global north to put climate justice at the heart of its international climate action. We recognise that climate change not only exacerbates existing inequalities, but that it is already causing loss and damage to communities around the world now.

Our climate justice approach recognises those least responsible for the global climate emergency are being affected first and most severely by it. An effective response to this must tackle existing inequalities such as wealth disparity and discrimination based upon gender, age, disability or historic marginalisation status, as the impact of climate change can be made worse by these factors.

We are committed to playing our part as a good global citizen to help tackle global challenges like poverty, injustice and inequality. The reality of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, national and regional conflicts and the cost crisis have exposed our global interdependence and need for international solidarity, as never before. We currently fund a wide range of programmes in the Global South through our International Development Fund and Climate Justice Fund. All of our international development fund work contributes to sustainable development and the fight against poverty, injustice and inequality internationally, within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Climate Justice Fund focuses on communities most affected by climate change. In particular we are ensuring the views and needs of those typically marginalised in such communities are at the centre of the climate justice interventions in our partner countries.

Our current Climate Just Communities (CJC) programme is the biggest programme to launch under the Climate Justice Fund and will deliver £24m over 3 years. The programme is taking a participatory approach to support more resilient and inclusive communities throughout our partner countries. The funding will be utilised to build more resilient and inclusive communities through interventions that build communities resilience to both the material and social impacts of climate change. The programme will deliver wide ranging benefits but of particular relevance, it will be used to: train farmers in Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management (SALM) and Conservation Agriculture (CA); promote early maturing and drought tolerant crops and fruit production and support irrigation schemes for livelihood improvement, including construction of dams for crop production and fisheries.

Scotland's global contribution within the international community exemplifies Scotland's core values of fairness and equality. Scotland is committed to playing its part in addressing global inequalities and global challenges.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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