Home Analytics Data: FOI Review

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

Orignal request (202300390063)

  • Unique Property Identification Number
  • House Number
  • Street Name
  • Town / Locality
  • City
  • Postcode
  • House Landlord
  • House Type (End, Mid, Semi, Detached, Flat, Maisonette etc)
  • Bedroom Sizes
  • Fuel Type
  • House Property Types (Traditional / Non-Traditional)
  • Block information (Who owns what no names just ownership if available)
  • Fuel Type
  • EPC Rating
  • Insulation Measures (Available via Ofgem public body)
  • Rural, Off Gas, Urban Territory
  • Household in Fuel Poverty (national statistic no personal details or number just a person with qualifying as fuel poor, home analytics data for example)
  • Household in Extreme Fuel Poverty (national statistic no personal details or number just a person with qualifying as extreme fuel poor home analytics data for example)
  • Census data (national statistic no personal details or number just a person with qualifying as fuel poor or qualifying as extreme fuel poor home



You asked for a review of our original response on the grounds that information had not been provided and that your request had been altered in terms of the original format and information requested.

I have concluded that the original decision should be confirmed with modifications.

During my review of this case, I have found that, as a result of human error, an incorrect spreadsheet was included in the material sent to you in place of some of the data you had requested. I apologise for this and the correct data is now included.

Additionally, I have reviewed the format of the data which was sent to you. You requested a line by line data set for each dwelling in Scotland. The data is not available in that format and so in our response to you the dataset is grouped to postcode level. It is anonymised to protect personal data and groupings with five or fewer dwellings are excluded. While this does represent a change to the format you requested it is necessary in order to provide a non-disclosive version of the data to you.

The original response identified that Home Analytics was the only data source held by the Scottish Government which met the parameters of your request but signposted to a number of other publicly available sources and agencies – these are outlined in Annex 2.

I enclose the spreadsheet containing the data which should have been sent to you as part of the original reply.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at http://www.gov.scot/foi-responses.

FOI 202400398115 - Information Released - Spreadsheet


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Email: ceu@gov.scot
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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