In-house and 3rd party data services, specifically Local Heat and Energy Efficiency spend: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

You asked for information regarding spending by local authorities on in-house and 3rd party data services in relation to Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES).


Whilst our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance the Scottish Government does not have most of the information you have requested because it did not procure these services directly. As such, you may wish to contact local authorities individually who may be able to help you. You can find their contact details via their websites, a list of which are available here.

Local authority use of 3rd party services

The Scottish Government does have limited information, based on voluntary monitoring and feedback, regarding which local authorities have used 3rd party services or external consultants during the development of their Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies. The table in Annex A sets out which local authorities reported using an external contractor during the development of their LHEES. It should be noted that this information was collected in August 2023 and local authorities may have procured external contractors since then.

Local authorities procured assistance from external contractors for different parts of the development of their LHEES. The Scottish Government does not hold detailed information on which parts of the LHEES process each local authority used contractors for, or the cost of these contractors or equivalent in-house resource. However, from informal feedback our understanding is that it mainly involved technical work such as data analysis and geospatial mapping.

Scottish Government funding

The Scottish Government is providing long term funding to support local authorities to develop and deliver their LHEES with funding committed for each local authority of £75,000 per year until 2027/28. This figure was based on an estimate that £50,000 per annum would allow each local authority to recruit 1 FTE post to focus on coordination of LHEES, with a further £25,000 per annum to procure or internally resource technical support. Funding has been provided in a way to allow flexibility for local authorities to determine its use based on local needs. More detail regarding the evidence used to inform this level of funding can be found in Annex B.

The Scottish Government is working closely with local authorities to identify support needs and help address any challenges as they develop and deliver their first LHEES. We also facilitate regular forums and learning events aimed to bring local authorities together to share knowledge and help identify key challenges where additional support is required. An optional review of draft LHEES and provision of feedback against the LHEES guidance has also been made available to local authorities.

Annex A: List of local authorities that reported using external contractors during the development of their Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies

Local Authority

Did Local Authority use external contractors?

Aberdeen City Council




Angus Council


Argyll and Bute Council


City of Edinburgh


Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

In house

Dumfries and Galloway Council


Dundee City Council


East Ayrshire


East Dunbartonshire Council


East Lothian Council

In house

East Renfrewshire Council


Falkirk Council

In house

Fife Council


Glasgow City Council

In house

Inverclyde Council


Midlothian Council


Moray Council


North Ayrshire Council


North Lanarkshire


Orkney Islands Council

No data

Perth and Kinross Council


Renfrewshire Council


Scottish Borders Council


Shetland Islands Council


South Ayrshire Council


South Lanarkshire Council


Stirling Council


The Highland Council


West Dunbartonshire Council


West Lothian Council

In house

Annex B: Local authority funding evidence

The level of funding for local authorities was based on several pieces of evidence. A peer review carried out on the LHEES methodology [1]in early 2021 distinguished between two core roles required to effectively produce a Strategy and Delivery Plan:

1. Coordination – project management, stakeholder engagement and knowledge of national and local policies and objectives. 

2. Technical – data handling, Geographical Information System (GIS) and analytical skill

The peer review recommended one full time equivalent person in the coordination role, ideally an officer based at a local authority. This roughly equates to £50,000 annually per local authority.

It did not specify the cost of the technical role but noted that it could vary significantly depending on how much of that role was carried out centrally, and how much was delivered by individual local authorities.

A Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) was carried out for both the Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill and LHEES in 2019. Drawing mainly from the experience of the LHEES pilot programme [2] , it estimated that the cost of producing an LHEES would range from £113,000 - £191,000 per local authority. It should be noted this is a total, one-off cost for producing an LHEES, not an annual figure.

Evaluations of early phases of the LHEES pilot programme (2017 - 2019) suggested 1-2 full time equivalent staff for each local authority to go through the full LHEES process, including any technical support. LHEES was in early development at this stage, so there was limited understanding around exactly what it would entail and what resource would be required.


Cost per Local authority

LHEES peer review (2021)

£50k per year + additional technical costs


£113 - 191k per LHEES (total, not annual)

LHEES initial pilot programme (2017-19)

£50 - 100k per year

[1] A methodology for LHEES was developed from the LHEES pilots by Zero Waste Scotland, made up of practitioner guidance, models, tools and templates. This is an optional approach, and local authorities can modify this approach or take alternative approaches based on their local context.

[2] Development of LHEES started in 2017 and a pilot programme, involving all 32 Scottish local authorities ran from 2017 – 2021.

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