Derogations granted in 2023 for fishing wild wrasse: EIR release

Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004.

Information requested

The number of derogations granted in 2023 for fishing wild wrasse?

For years 1 and 2, [is] there a record published of the total number of wrasse, by species and per ICES rectangle, landed for each trip made in each given week; and an accurate record of the total number of under and over-sized wrasse, by species, returned to the sea for the first 20 traps deployed in each given week?

We emailed you on 4 April 2024 to seek some clarification on your request in order to help us identify and locate the information that you had asked for:

“Firstly, could you confirm if you are asking if there is a published record of this information? And secondly, we are actually intending on publishing this information on 12th April 2024, however the landings are by month and the rest of the information requested is by year. Would this publication be acceptable?”

You responded on the same day with the following further information:

“It may help if I give you some context to my request. On 22 September 2023 you sent me a very helpful email about wild wrasse. You wrote that you were writing a report re control measure 6. I emailed on 12 February if that had been progressed. As I hadn't received a reply, I lodged a request via ceu. In the ceu I cribbed part of your description of measure 6, but missed out 'is' at the start of my question.

Regarding your penultimate paragraph, I suppose the answer would be whichever version you think would be most useful to have.”


1. Can you please tell me the number of derogations granted in 2023 for fishing wild wrasse?

The answer to your question is 68 derogations were issued in 2023, giving permission to fish for wild wrasse.

2. For years 1 and 2, [is] there a record published of the total number of wrasse, by species and per ICES rectangle, landed for each trip made in each given week; and an accurate record of the total number of under and over-sized wrasse, by species, returned to the sea for the first 20 traps deployed in each given week?

I enclose a copy of all of the information you requested. Please find attached a PDF document titled “2021 - 2022 Wrasse Report - Metadata removed”.

I would also like to advise you, that this report has been published today on our website and can be found here:

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EIR 202400404913 - Information released - Attachment


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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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