
Former First Minister's travel to London in March 2023: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

In relation to FOI 202300372115 about the former First Minister's travel to London in March 2023 and followed up to ask:

1. Was the trip solely for the purposes of the previous First Minister to take part in a television programme called ‘Loose Women’?

2. If not, was the trip also for the purpose of matters which are the responsibility of the Scottish Government for example (but not exclusively) face to face meetings with people in connection with Scottish Government business? Please note I do not need any detailed information about such meetings, or other face to face contacts if they did occur, only the title of the meetings and/or other contacts which could for example include informal meetings with refreshments or other events along with the other people involved.

3. Did any of the three individuals you confirmed took the trip by flying from Edinburgh to Heathrow on 19th March 2023, staying overnight in hotel accommodation and returning on 20th March 2023 travel on the same flights and stay in the same hotel room? The reason I ask for this information is because your response to the above FoI provided costs of flights for two people (one of whom you confirmed was Ms Nicola Sturgeon) i.e. two return flights at a total cost of £1,430.70, and one night’s stay in two hotel rooms each at £515 making a total cost of £1,030and clarification would be welcomed.

4. In the previous response to the above FoI no details were provided of any costs to the public purse for subsistence e.g. food, drink and other expenses during the trip and I request details of these i.e. in addition to the other costs already described in the spreadsheet attached to the response as ‘Hotel Room’ and ‘Air Tickets’.

5. Noting you provided details of the Scottish Ministerial Code, what Code or Codes applied to the Private Secretary and the Special Advisor who you confirmed accompanied the previous First Minister?


The former First Minister carried out a number of engagements whilst in London and these can be found on the Scottish Government website. The Scottish Government does not hold any information in relation to meetings/engagements that are not Scottish Government business.

The former First Minister was accompanied on the flights by her Private Secretary; the Special Adviser travelled to London separately by rail and then returned on the same flight as the former First Minister.  All of the individuals in the travelling party stayed in separate hotel rooms.  Additional travel expenses of £29.55 were incurred and there were no expenses for subsistence.

The Private Secretary is a civil servant and as such, is bound by the Civil Service Code. Special Advisers are temporary civil servants and so also bound by the Civil Service Code (except for the sections relating to political impartiality) as well as being subject to the Code of Conduct for Special Advisers.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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