
Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA) completion rate by council: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

The National Report for Academic Year 2022‐2023 set out the completion rate for the Scottish National Standardised Assessments at different ages and stages, as well as for the different assessments. (P176 Appendix 1: Assessments completed during the 2022 to 2023 academic year)

The table sets out the completion rates at a national level; I would like the same information but for each of the 32 Scottish local authorities.

So for each assessment (P1 numeracy; P1 literacy; P4 numeracy; P4 reading; P4 writing; P7 numeracy; P7 reading; P7 writing; S3 numeracy; S3 reading; S3 writing) for each council could you please set out: number of assessments completed; number of learners enrolled; percentage completed in 2022‐23.

Could you provide the same information by council for 2018‐19.

Please provide information held on the Scottish government’s expectations in terms of completion rates – what targets are set in terms of completion rates? Does the government have a goal in terms of the proportion of assessments that should be completed each year? Please provide details.


Please see the document attached containing the below information that you have requested :

  • For each assessment (P1 numeracy; P1 literacy; P4 numeracy; P4 reading; P4 writing; P7 numeracy; P7 reading; P7 writing; S3 numeracy; S3 reading; S3 writing) for each council setting out the number of assessments completed for 2018-2019 and 2022-2023.
  • Learner cohort number for each LA for 2018-2019 broken down by NSA year group and percentage completed. However, please note that the Scottish Government is unable to provide a breakdown by assessment type.

The Scottish Government does not hold information on the LA level learner cohort number for 2022‐2023 and is therefore unable to provide this information and as such we are also unable to provide a figure for the percentage of completions by assessment type.

We have also included a link to the 2018‐2019 national report for comparison on completion figures.

The Scottish Government does not set targets for completion rates of National Standardised Assessments. All P1, P4, P7 and S3 learners are entitled to undertake the National Standardised Assessments for Scotland, as part of their normal classroom learning.

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
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