
NRIM (National Response to Improving Mathematics) secondments: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

My colleague attended a NRIM event today in Glasgow and following a discussion with them I would like to request the following information under the freedom of information act:-

- when and where were the two NRIM secondments advertised, how many applicants applied and how many were interviewed?

- when and where was the National Maths Specialist Role advertised, how many applicants applied and how many were interviewed?

- how have people been selected to attend the summer school, has this been through application or selection. If application, when and where was this opportunity advertised. Also which local authorities are represented by those attending?


I have provided answers to each of your three questions below. In providing the answers to Questions 1 and 3, I drew on information from Education Scotland officials.

Question 1: When and where were the two NRIM secondments advertised, how many applicants applied and how many were interviewed?

The appointment of the two National Response to Improving Maths (NRIM) secondments was led by Education Scotland. The position of NRIM Professional Learning Development Officer was not advertised. The NRIM partnership board worked collaboratively with two local authorities to appoint 2 part time secondees using a service level agreement. The local authority secondees already hold positions within the partnership board and the NRIM Implementation Group.

Question 2: When and where was the National Maths Specialist Role advertised, how many applicants applied and how many were interviewed?

The appointment of the National Maths Specialist role was led by Directorate for Education Reform in Scottish Government.

As per the established Scottish Government secondment process, a job description was sent to organisations which may employ suitable individuals for this secondment inviting applications. The job description for this particular secondment (which I have attached to this email) was sent to the following organisations:

The job description was circulated week commencing 26 February with a deadline of 19 March. 9 individuals submitted CVs and supporting statements, 3 of whom were shortlisted for interview.

Question 3: How have people been selected to attend the summer school, has this been through application or selection. If application, when and where was this opportunity advertised. Also, which local authorities are represented by those attending?

The summer school is being led by the National Response to Improving Maths Board. The partnership board has utilised links with the national networks, including members from the National Principal Teacher/Faculty Head network and NRIM Short Life Working Groups, and asked classroom-based practitioners if they are willing and able to participate in the weeklong collaborative work.

The selection process is ongoing, but to date there is an agreement in principle from individuals in Angus, Borders, East Ayrshire, East Lothian, Falkirk, Glasgow, Midlothian, Stirling, Shetland, South Lanarkshire, and Shetland.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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