A75 safety upgrades 20mph rollout: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

1a. Has the national delivery sub group now discussed required funding with LA representatives?

b. If the response to 1.a. is in the affirmative what is the outcome regarding LA funding to assist in implementing their 20mph roll out before the end of 2025?

2. We note from your formal response letter dated 13 October 2023 reference 202300376898 Annex B that a list of 104 locations has been highlighted for consideration under the Road Assessment Guidance and that these include some locations with more than one 30mph speed limit and these are denoted by 1, 2, etc. after the name.

a. To what extent has this assessment task now been completed? Please list the communities and routes concerned.

b. Aside from Scottish Borders and Highlands pilot areas where else has any trunk route community now been given 20mph protection or is about to receive that protection? We believe from press reports this may be imminent within Langholm and include all of its A7 main street?

3. The UKG has agreed to release to the SG £8 million funding for bringing forward detailed A75 upgrade proposals with an additional promise to subsequently provide funding to deliver these improvements once having been identified.

a. Is the funding now in place for the route upgrade study?

b. Does the recent change of UKG to Labour pose any risk to continuation of this study which was spearheaded and to be funded by a Conservative administration?

c. Has the study commenced?

d. What is the timetable for the conclusion of the study?

e. Which consultants are leading the study?

f. Has the the new UKG agreed a final stage contribution for delivering the identified upgrades ensuring that the proposals will remain funded, if not, then when?

g. What funding contribution, if any, has been agreed by the SG in respect of any aspect of the A75 upgrade proposals?

4. Following a long and ongoing history of serious collisions at the Haugh of Urr junction with the A75 we understand this is to be redesigned to better protect paused right turns against rear impact.

a. Why was the road there recently resurfaced when it is likely a significant amount of this public investment will soon have to be ripped up when the junction is redesigned?

b. When is the new junction layout to be created?


1a. Has the national delivery sub group now discussed required funding with LA representatives?

b. If the response to 1.a. is in the affirmative what is the outcome regarding LA funding to assist in implementing their 20mph roll out before the end of 2025?

The Scottish Government has allocated a record £36 million to road safety in order to reduce casualties and risks on our roads, and it is delivering against our priorities in the road safety framework. The extent of the required funding for 20 mph implementation is continuing to be gathered and discussed between Local Authority representatives and Transport Scotland. Once we have obtained detailed costs from local authorities, consideration will be given to what proportion of the overall road safety budget is required this financial year to deliver a co-ordinated programme through to 2025.

2. We note from your formal response letter dated 13 October 2023 reference 202300376898 Annex B that a list of 104 locations has been highlighted for consideration under the Road Assessment Guidance and that these include some locations with more than one 30mph speed limit and these are denoted by 1, 2, etc. after the name.

a. To what extent has this assessment task now been completed? Please list the communities and routes concerned.

The initial assessment of the 104 communities as per the previous list provided has been completed and is now subject to review with further discussion between Local Authorities and Police Scotland. Please see Annex A for the list of settlements and the route on which they sit.

b. Aside from Scottish Borders and Highlands pilot areas where else has any trunk route community now been given 20mph protection or is about to receive that protection? We believe from press reports this may be imminent within Langholm and include all of its A7 main street?

In addition to those in the Scottish Borders and Highland Council areas, there are currently 20 mph speed limits on the trunk road in Crieff, Comrie, Callander and Biggar. These were introduced prior to the National Strategy for 20mph Speed Limits. As per question 2a Transport Scotland is working with Local Authorities and Police Scotland to progress plans for other communities.

3. The UKG has agreed to release to the SG £8 million funding for bringing forward detailed A75 upgrade proposals with an additional promise to subsequently provide funding to deliver these improvements once having been identified.

a. Is the funding now in place for the route upgrade study?

b. Does the recent change of UKG to Labour pose any risk to continuation of this study which was spearheaded and to be funded by a Conservative administration?

c. Has the study commenced?

d. What is the timetable for the conclusion of the study?

e. Which consultants are leading the study?

f. Has the the new UKG agreed a final stage contribution for delivering the identified upgrades ensuring that the proposals will remain funded, if not, then when?

g. What funding contribution, if any, has been agreed by the SG in respect of any aspect of the A75 upgrade proposals?

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the UK Department for Transport (DfT) and the Scottish Government was agreed in March 2024, confirming that £8,092,661 funding would be provided by DfT to the Scottish Government over a three-year period to undertake design development and assessment work on the realignment of the A75 around Springholm and Crocketford. This Union Connectivity funding was confirmed for the design development of bypassing the villages  of Springholm and Crocketford by the last UK government. This was agreed to cover a three year period between now and the end of the 2026/27 financial year.

Procurement to appoint technical advisory services is currently underway. Transport Scotland expects to have a Technical Advisor on board by the end of summer to take forward the design and assessment work.

As noted, the new UK Government is currently in the process of being established.

Transport Scotland officials are engaging with their UK counterparts regarding the previously agreed funding commitment for the aforementioned design development work. The allocation of any future funding will be subject to the normal round of future UK and Scottish Government budget cycles.

4. Following a long and ongoing history of serious collisions at the Haugh of Urr junction with the A75 we understand this is to be redesigned to better protect paused right turns against rear impact.

a. Why was the road there recently resurfaced when it is likely a significant amount of this public investment will soon have to be ripped up when the junction is redesigned?

The resurfacing scheme was undertaken recently because the junction’s pavement was in poor condition and needed replaced.

Following concerns raised by stakeholders through the 2023 Annual Road Safety Review, Amey were commissioned by Transport Scotland to undertake an investigation at the A75 Haugh of Urr junction. A report was recently issued to Transport Scotland for review. I can confirm that in the immediate term, Amey has recommended introducing two new electronic vehicle-activated signs at the junction in each direction along the A75 to warn drivers of vehicles turning at the junction. Amey will also look at potential improvements to existing signage and cutting back vegetation to improve visibility from the junction as part of this scheme. These measures will have limited impact on the resurfacing undertaken.

It is envisaged that the sign and vegetation improvements will start to be delivered later in the 2024 / 25 financial year.

We will monitor the effectiveness of the measures proposed at this location and if concerns continue, investigations will be undertaken for more significant changes to the junction.

b. When is the new junction layout to be created?

There is no timescale because there is no proposed new junction layout.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at http://www.gov.scot/foi-responses.

FOI 202400421972 - Information Released - Annex A


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Email: ceu@gov.scot
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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