Annual budget breakdown for Gaelic bodies and agencies: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

Further details on the annual budget breakdown of 23/24 for Gaelic bodies and agencies.


Your figure of £29,422,795.00 as the annual budget for financial year 23/24 we believe was sourced from an FOI released October 2023 (Money spent on Scots Language Bill: FOI Release - ( This figure was the expected annual budget spend at the time of release. The Gaelic budget had after this confirmed further funding which changed this final figure during the financial year 23/24. The figures we released in our recent FOI response are the most up to date and evidenced that we have for the financial year 23/24 of spending from the Gaelic lines. Additionally, it is worth noting that the figures released for your previous FOI for 24/25 may at the end of the financial year not reflect the actual amount spent.

We have found only one figure from this earlier FOI which we believe to be a genuine error which is a mistype of the actual outgoing. The Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Capital funding amount for 23/24 was quoted as £1,250,000 while in actually it amounted to £1,125,000. We are very sorry for this error.

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