Health and social care savings breakdown from the Scottish Government Pre-Budget Fiscal Update: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

A breakdown of the health and social care savings set out in annex A of the Scottish Government Pre-Budget Fiscal Update: Letter to Finance Committee, published 3rd September, available here.  This included

1. For each heading (EG community eyecare, general medical services etc), please provide a breakdown of all the individual savings lines under that heading, broken down by cash value. For example, for education and training, this would mean providing the savings to be realised from each aspect such as NHS Academy, Leadership talent management and other lines not mentioned. Please provide a short description of how each savings is to be realised.

2. In addition, please provide the following information about specific lines:

a. For “general medical services” please provide a breakdown of the budget lines, setting out which work has been paused or re-profiled. Where work has been reprofiled please set out the original timescales and funding, and the updated timescales and funding.

b. For “health improvement and protection”, please provide i) the original profile of spend on innovation and immunisation and ii) the updated profile.

c. Under “mental health services”, the i) original and ii) new start date for the Changing Places Toilet fund (along with funding profiles).

d. A detailed breakdown of the ‘non staff spend’ associated with delivery of the National Care Service. Please provide i) original planned spend and ii) updated spend profiles.



A breakdown of anticipated savings set out in the Fiscal Statement is provided at Annex A based on individual level 4 budgets. Work remains ongoing in terms of how those savings will be realised over the remainder of the financial year across individual programmes, including final values at programme level. However in the absence of confirmed additional consequential UK Government funding, any emerging in-year pressures can only be funded by difficult choices elsewhere in the budget, with the £115.8 million of spending reductions identified within the Health budget redirected to emerging pressures within Health, not used for wider SG spending.

In terms of updated profile and timescales of paused or re-profiled work, given that these savings relate to the 2024-25 financial year, the impact of these savings on future year budget planning will need to be considered as part of the annual budget setting process for 2025-26 and beyond.

Specifically in respect of question 2, parts a and b, the original value and breakdown of the General Medical Services and Health Improvement and Protection level 3 budgets can be found in the published 2024-25 budgets here: Supporting documents - Scottish Budget: 2024 to 2025 - ( The published General Medical Services budget was £1,276.583 million therefore adjust for savings is £1,265.603 million. The immunisations published budget was £38.868 million therefore revised budget post-savings is £37.868 million. For the Innovation Fund a budget of £5.000 million was earmarked post budget publication therefore taking savings into account revised budget for 2024-25 is £3.350 million.

Regarding question 2 part c, the Scottish Government is committed to investing in Changing Places Toilets (CPT) in order to increase the number of these facilities across the country, allowing people easier access to events and outdoor venues. Whilst the Scottish Government had set out the intention to make CPT funding available across financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26, unfortunately it is no longer possible to launch the fund in the current financial year and £3.250 million originally profiled for 2024-25 will be reprofiled into future years as part of the 2025-26 budget process.

Regarding question 2 part d, the National Care Service ‘non-staff spend’, below is the detailed breakdown of original and updated planned spend.


Original Planned Spend

Updated Planned Spend

NCS National



NCS Local



Wider Programme



Annex A

Community Eyecare


Community Eyecare - General Ophthalmic Services


COVID-19 funding and other services


Other Board Services and Miscellaneous Income


Board Resilience


Education and Training


AHP Policy


AHP/HCS Policy


Capacity & Recruitment Strategy


Distinction Awards


Leadership, Training and Capacity


Safe Effective Person Centred


Other below £2m


General Medical Services


Miscellaneous Other Dental Services


Primary Care Fund


Other below £2m


Health Improvement and Protection


Gender Identity and Healthcare Access




Innovation Fund


Organ Donation Policy


Research Data Scotland


Tobacco Control (Smoking)


Other below £2m


Mental Health Services


Complex Care


Mental Health & Wellbeing


Mental Health Services


National Care Service / Adult Social Care


Health & Social Care Integration


Independent Living Fund


Social Care Support and NCS Delivery


Other below £2m


Quality and Improvement




Person Centred and Participation


Stroke and Thrombectomy


Other below £2m


Revenue Consequences of NPD Schemes


Revenue Consequences of NPD Schemes




Active Healthy Lives


Other Board Services and Miscellaneous Income


Board Resilience


Corporate support


Digital Health and Care


Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)


Forensic Medical Services (FMS) Act Implementation


General Dental Services


Health Innovation


Health Research




Maternity and Neonatal Services


Mesh injured women's support fund


Multiple child removals


NHS Territorial Boards




Young Persons Family Fund


Other below £2m


Grand Total


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