Heat pump installation funding and statistics: EIR release

Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004.

Information requested

1. In each year since 2019-20, how many grants and loans have been provided to allow tenants or homeowners to install heat pumps in their homes? Please provide data on grants and loans separately.

2. In each year since 2019-20, how much has been spent on grants and loans that allow tenants or homeowners to install heat pumps in their homes? Please provide data on grants and loans separately.


I enclose the information you have requested.

As per my acknowledgement of 22 January 2025, I have interpreted your request as covering the Home Energy Scotland (HES) Grant and Loan Scheme and Private Rented Sector (PRS) Landlord Loan Scheme, as these schemes provide grant and/or loan funding directly to owner occupiers, as well as private registered landlords for their rented properties.

The following table shows the number of unique heat pumps installations supported through these two schemes, as well as the values of grant and loan funding that has been paid out for installed heat pumps, in each financial year.

Heat Pumps - HESGL & PRSLL

Financial Year

Number Installed

Value of Grant Funding Paid

Value of Loan Funding Paid

2019 - 2020




2020 - 2021




2021 - 2022




2022 - 2023




2023 - 2024




2024 - 2025*




*to December 2024

It is important to note that these figures do not include applications which have received advanced drawdown or been part paid (funding for one or more measures is still to be claimed).

The HES Grant and Loan Scheme offers grant only, loan only and a combination of both for heat pumps, while the PRS Landlord Loan Scheme offers loan funding only. Therefore, the heat pumps installed through these schemes will have been supported by a combination of these different types of funding.

In addition to these two schemes, the Scottish Government funds a wide variety of heat decarbonisation schemes that support the uptake of clean heating in our homes and buildings. The most recent Heat in Buildings Progress Report can be found here.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at https://www.gov.scot/foi-responses.


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Correspondence Unit
Email: contactus@gov.scot
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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