
Food waste reduction: action plan

Sets out how Scotland can work to deliver it's commitment to reduce food waste by 33% by 2025.


An erratum was published on Friday 18/10/2019 as a result of a text change on page 16 within the Food recycling availability graphic and first paragraph. The html and pdf have both been updated to reflect this change.

ISBN 978 1 78781 782 1 (Web only publication)
PPDAS 568190


Ministerial Foreword

Executive Summary

Food Waste is a Global Problem
Acting on Food Waste: Scotland's 2025 Food Waste Target

Why do we need a food waste action plan?
Planning for Success: Scotland's Food Waste Action Plan
What is food waste?
The impact of landfill food waste
A circular economy approach to food waste
Valuing our food

Where we are
A collaborative effort
Food recycling availability
The food waste hierarchy
Landfill ban

Where we need to be - a call to action

Action areas and measures

Improved monitoring and infrastructure

Sector leadership

Public engagement and communication

Supporting delivery of a new approach to food waste

Measuring progress and demonstrating success
Leadership, governance and delivery
Investing for success
Measuring progress

What success will look like

Case studies



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