
Food waste reduction: action plan

Sets out how Scotland can work to deliver it's commitment to reduce food waste by 33% by 2025.

Action areas and Measures

During the development of this Plan, four areas were identified as core in reaching the 33% target. All four, and their associated Measures, are closely interlinked and all encompass the 'target, measure, act' approach:

  • Improved monitoring and infrastructure

Food waste monitoring and measurement methods have developed considerably over recent years because of better food waste collection, the Courtauld 2025 agreement, and business driven initiatives. However, there are still considerable gaps in our knowledge and these must be addressed so that we can accurately monitor and report on our progress and proactively target sectors that need enhanced support or action. We must also address the barriers to food waste reuse and recycling to ensure that unavoidable food waste can be used in the most efficient manner.

  • Sector Leadership

Everyone in Scotland is expected to play their part in tackling food waste and reaching our target. Both the public and private sectors have huge influence and the potential to innovate successfully. Furthermore, changes to practices and the potential introduction of mandatory targets will not only reduce food waste but also increase efficiency, reduce costs and make Scotland a world leader in this field.

  • Public Engagement and Communication

Households and consumers are the biggest source of known food waste in Scotland, although their behaviour is heavily influenced by the public and business sectors. A consistent message and sustained communication designed specifically to address the needs of each target audience will empower householders and consumers to change their individual behaviours and drive change throughout the food supply chain.

  • Supporting delivery of a new approach to food waste

Addressing food waste is not simple and requires a coordinated multi-stakeholder approach to achieve the target in the most cost effective and efficient way. Coordination throughout the food and drink surplus and waste hierarchy will not only result in higher food waste prevention but in greater opportunities to exploit our organic resources and contribute to Scotland's economy.

Target: Set a food waste reduction target for your own UK operations, aligned with or contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 12.3

Measure: In a consistent way and share what you've learnt

Act: To reduce your own food waste, to work in partnership with suppliers and to help your consumers reduce food waste



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