
Forced Marriage Practitioner Guidance - update 2014

Multi Agency Guidance intended to inform all frontline staff and volunteers within agencies who are likely to come across adults or children and young people threatened with or in a forced marriage.


These practice guidelines have been updated in accordance with the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, which created a specific criminal offence of forced marriage in Scotland, England and Wales. This guidance covers the specific offence relating to Scotland.

Police Scotland, Shakti Women's Aid, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid, Amina Muslim Women's Resource Centre and Roshni have supplied case studies.

The first issue (2011) of the guidelines was compiled by Shirley Henderson with assistance from the Scottish Government forced marriage practitioner guidelines reference group. The 2014 review group comprised:

Pauline Nairn, Police Scotland
Lisa McLoy/Karen Aitken, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Louise Johnson, National Worker Legal Issues, Scottish Women's Aid
Girijamba Polubothu, Manager, Shakti Women's Aid

We would like to thank the many individuals who read and commented on drafts including:

Chaz Akoshile, Joint Head, Forced Marriage Unit
John Fyffe, Chair, Association of Directors of Education
Chris Creegan, Director, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability
Kirsti Hay, Community Safety Glasgow
John Fotheringham, BTO Solicitors
Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid
Shaykh Amer Jamil, Unity Family Services
Lydia Okroj, Housing Development Worker, Scottish Women's Aid
Stephen Roarty, Secretariat, Scotland and Northern Ireland UK Visas and Immigration

We would also like to thank the Forced Marriage Unit for allowing us to use and adapt case studies and other materials.


Email: Bruce Sutherland

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