Forced Marriage Statutory Guidance

The statutory guidance describes the responsibilities of chief executives, directors and senior managers in agencies that handle cases of forced marriage.

Supporting documents include forced marriage public awareness posters and factsheets.

Appendix C – Specialist Organisations Contact Details

AMINA – Muslim Women's Resource Centre

Phone: 0808 801 0301

Website: AMINA - Muslim Women's Resource Centre - Amina Muslim Women Resource Centre (

Amina MWRC (Muslim Women's Resource Centre) runs a number of different programmes designed to support, empower, and improve the lives of Muslim and BME women living in Scotland. This includes a helpline and web chat service.

Amina have qualified independent domestic abuse advocate caseworkers who can provide support for women with complex needs in distress or crisis. They are an advocacy service trained and qualified to carry out risk assessments, safety plan and provide multi-agency support where needed. The caseworkers provide one to one support, assistance and information in different languages to women who are; experiencing or at risk of domestic abuse, women experiencing poor or worsening mental health and women with insecure immigration status and no recourse to public funds.

Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid

Phone: 0141 353 0859


Hemat Gryffe provide safe temporary refuge accommodation to women, children and young people and crisis support to women, children and young people. This includes for victims of forced marriage, honour based abuse and help and advice for those who have no recourse to public funds.

Multi-Cultural Family Base - Bright Choices

Phone: 0131 467 7052

Email: for more information about the project.

The Bright Choices Project is for women, men, children and families who are experiencing difficult relationships. These difficulties can stem from disagreements about how people are supposed to dress, behave, who to marry, how to treat children, about finishing education and who they are allowed to be friends with. They also support women who are survivors of FGM.

The Bright Choices service is here to help you stay safe by offering free and confidential support.


Phone: 0131 556 9302


Saheliya provides mental health support and specialist services required to meet the multi-faceted needs of traumatized women (12+ years) experiencing racial inequality and gender-based abuses. Saheliya combats the effects of discrimination and abuse, improving access to mainstream services and dismantling the pervasive structural inequality that exists for minority women. Saheliya employ highly-qualified Counselling and Case work staff as well as providing practical support in around 14 different languages. Our services and partnership work extends through healthcare, housing, education, employment, immigration and access to justice, Scotland wide.

Scotland's Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline

Phone: 0800 027 1234


Web chat:

Scotland's Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline is here 24/7 to support anyone who has experienced forced marriage or thinks that they might be at risk. Friends, family, colleagues, professionals, or anyone concerned about someone else, can also contact the helpline.

The helpline team are trained specialists and have an understanding of forced marriage. The team will always listen without judgement and can provide relevant information and support and direct to other services that may be able to help.

We welcome calls from anyone and we support people of all ages, genders, abilities, sexual orientations, nationalities and backgrounds. If English is not your first language, we can speak to you through a confidential telephone interpretating service.

Scottish Women's Right Centre

Phone: 08088 010 789

Website: Scottish Women's Rights Centre (

Scottish Women's Right Centre support women aged 16 and over who have been affected by violence and abuse in Scotland. All their services are free and confidential and include; helpline, advice surgeries, legal representation, advocacy support and services for migrant women.

Shakti Women's Aid

Phone: 0131 475 2399


Website: Shakti Women's Aid

Shakti Women's Aid help BME women, children, and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner, and/or other members of the household. Shakti are based in Edinburgh but also have outreach staff in Dundee, Stirling and Fife.



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