Forensic Governance Advisory Group minutes: December 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 17 December 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Ms Esther Roberton (Chair)
  • Dr Ian Dewar
  • Mr Jim Cannon

In attendance

  • Ms Jennifer Brady
  • Ms Danielle McLeary 

Items and actions

Actions from last meeting

The Chair took the opportunity to welcome everyone to the meeting.

Actions from the previous meeting were discussed. Officials advised that the group’s Terms of Reference (ToR) and minutes from the previous meeting had been signed off by the Minister that morning and would be uploaded on to the group website shortly.

Action 1: ToR and Minutes to be uploaded to website.

Engagement plan

Since the last meeting, officials created an engagement plan to schedule stakeholder meetings and in-person visits. 

The group reviewed the engagement plan and agreed who they should meet next in the new year. It was agreed that it is not feasible for the group to meet all low secure units in the timescale, however it will be helpful to visit a few and also speak to those working in community forensic mental health.

The chair provided an update on upcoming visits, including two that were taking place that week to medium secure facilities. There are several more visits taking place in January which will provide some insightful information.

Action 2: Stakeholder meetings and advisory group meetings to continue to be scheduled as part of the engagement plan.

Update following stakeholder meetings

The Chair provided an update on recent stakeholder meetings that have taken place since the previous advisory group meeting. As agreed at the last meeting, the Chair has been meeting with stakeholders individually over recent weeks to gather a better understanding of the challenges that those working in forensic mental health services are facing and what changes to governance would be most helpful in addressing those challenges.

Overall, engagement has been positive and insightful so far. It was agreed that it is important to maintain this momentum and engagement with stakeholders as the work of the group progresses.

Project plan

Officials and Mr Cannon met late November to discuss the project plan and a document has been created. It was agreed that this should be reviewed again by Officials and Mr Cannon early January.

Action 3: Mr Cannon and Officials to meet to review and amend project plan 7h January 2025.
Action 4: Following this, Advisory Group to meet via Teams to review updated plan 17th January 2025.

Any other busineess (AOB) 

The group agreed to meet again on the 17th January online and in person on the 29th January. 

The Chair drew the meeting to a close, thanking members for attendance and noting that the advisory group meetings will continue after the festive break.

Action 5: Group members to provide updated availability for January/February in order for stakeholder meetings to continue to be scheduled.

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