Forensic Paediatrics A Report by the Short Life Working Group
Report outlining findings and recommendations from expert group
Annex E: References and Publications
1. Scottish Government National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2010
2. RCPCH - A Framework of Competences for Safeguarding Children and Young People Safeguarding
Safeguarding Children and Young people: Roles and Competences for Healthcare Staff, 2010
3. NHS Education for Scotland - Child Protection: Core Competency Framework
4. Guidance on best practice and standards of health assessment and medical examination
5. Guidelines on Paediatric forensic examinations in relation to possible child sexual abuse: Oct 2007 RCPCH FFLM
6. The role of the forensic physician: Sept 2010 ref 3; Quality standards in forensic medicine general forensic forensic and sexual offence medicine, Faculty of FLM, RCP London: Oct 2010;
7. Mok and Bussitil report: published by Quality Improvement Scotland and in Child Abuse Review (Vol 13: 324-337(2004) reference 7
8. Role of the Forensic Physician:
9. Quality Standards:
10. Its everyone's job to make sure I'm alright - Report of the Child Protection Audit and Review
11. Supporting and developing clinical governance
12. Protecting Children A Shared Responsibility - guidance for health professionals in Scotland 2000
13. Facing the Future: Standards for Paediatric Services"
Email: Fiona McKinlay
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