
Forestry and Land Scotland draft corporate plan 2022 - 2025: consultation

Forestry and Land Scotland has developed a draft corporate plan which sets out the proposed direction of travel and priorities for the organisation for the next three years. The consultation seeks the views of all who have an interest in the national forests and land.

3. National Policy Context

3.1 Our Contribution to the National Performance Framework and UN Sustainable Development Goals

FLS will continue to contribute to the Scottish Government’s wider outcomes based approach, which is set out in the National Performance Framework. This means that our Corporate Outcomes are aligned with this larger national framework and will help the Scottish Government, overall, to deliver its outcomes.

National Performance Framework

Framework graphic text below
Our Purpose

To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth

Our Values

We are a society which treats all our people with kindness, dignity and compassion, respects the rule of law, and acts in an open and transparent way

National Outcomes
  • Children and Young People: We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential
  • Communities: We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
  • Culture: We are creative and our vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely
  • Economy: We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy
  • Education: We are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society
  • Environment: We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment
  • Fair Work and Business:We have thriving and innovative businesses, with quality jobs and fair work for everyone
  • Health: We are healthy and active
  • Human Rights: We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination
  • International: We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally
  • Poverty: We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally

FLS will help deliver across all eleven National Outcomes and will make a particular contribution to the following:

  • Economy: We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy
  • Environment: We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment
  • Health: We are healthy and active
  • Communities: We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
  • Fair Work and Business: We have thriving and innovative businesses, with quality jobs and fair work for everyone
  • Education: We are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society

Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are ‘global goals’ and targets that are part of an internationally agreed performance framework. All countries are aiming to achieve these goals by 2030. The Scottish Government has linked the National Performance Framework (NPF) to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as both share the same aims - the NPF is Scotland’s way to localise and implement the SDGs. We have mapped our contribution to the SDGs under each of our Corporate Outcomes.

3.2 Our Contribution to the Delivery of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019-2029

Under the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018 (the Act), Scottish Ministers must have regard to the Forestry Strategy when managing forested land. The work of Forestry and Land Scotland is informed by the Scottish Government’s Forestry Strategy.

Published in February 2019, the Forestry Strategy signalled the start of a new era for forestry in Scotland and was and remains a keystone of the new statutory and administrative arrangements under the Act. The Strategy sets out a 50 year vision for Scotland’s forests and woodland:

“In 2070, Scotland will have more forests and woodland, sustainably managed and better integrated with other land uses. These will provide a more resilient, adaptable resource, with greater natural capital value, that supports a strong economy, a thriving environment and healthy and flourishing communities.” (Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019-2029, p15)

To support the 50 year vision, the Scottish Government identified three objectives to deliver by 2029:

  • Increase the contribution of forests and woodland to Scotland’s sustainable and inclusive economic growth
  • Improve the resilience of Scotland’s forests and woodland and increase their contribution to a healthy and high quality environment
  • Increase the use of Scotland’s forest and woodland resources to enable more people to improve their health, wellbeing and life chances.

The strategy sets out six priority areas of action over the period of the plan. These priority areas form the framework for coordination of Government action and partnership working. These are:

  • Ensuring forests and woodland are sustainably managed
  • Increasing the adaptabilities and resilience of forests and woodland
  • Expanding the area of forests and woodland, recognising wider land-use objectives
  • Enhancing the environmental benefits provided by forests and woodland
  • Improving efficiency and productivity, and developing markets
  • Engaging more people, communities and businesses in the creation, management and use of forests and woodland

FLS has also been involved in the development and delivery of the implementation plans associated with the strategy. Further details on the implementation of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy can be found on the Scottish Forestry website.

In order to demonstrate how we will have regard to Scotland’s Forestry Strategy in our work, we have identified the relevant Forestry Strategy ‘Priorities for Action’ in our Corporate Outcomes section.

3.3 Our Contribution to the Delivery of other National Policies and Strategies

The work we do is also informed by a wide range of national policies and strategies that reach beyond forestry. These include but are not limited to:

As well as policies and strategies, there are a range of government priorities that inform how we manage the national forests and land or how we deliver for the people of Scotland. These include:

  • Programme for Government
  • COVID-19 Recovery Plan
  • Spending Review

There are also various pieces of legislation that impact our work including the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2015; Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2016; The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011; Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974; The Equality Act 2020 (Specific Duties)(Scotland) Regulations 2021 and the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to highlight just a few.

FLS wants to play a vital part in contributing to a modern, flourishing Scotland. Working to deliver on national policies and legislation alongside our partners, including public bodies, third sector and communities, we will ensure that the national forests and land can continue to provide a wide range of benefits for everyone, now and in the future.



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