
Forestry and Land Scotland draft corporate plan 2022 - 2025: consultation

Forestry and Land Scotland has developed a draft corporate plan which sets out the proposed direction of travel and priorities for the organisation for the next three years. The consultation seeks the views of all who have an interest in the national forests and land.

8. Monitoring Implementation

We have developed a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to help us track, measure and manage performance and progress against our Corporate Outcomes. These are reviewed on an annual basis. The KPIs are also monitored and reported to the Executive Team on a quarterly basis. Information is then published within the Corporate Performance Reports on our website. Please note that our KPI targets are still being developed for 2022/23 and will be published in the final version of the Corporate Plan.

Organisational Business Plans are developed and published on an annual basis and set out specific actions that we will take over the financial year to deliver on our Corporate Plan and Corporate Outcomes. This work is underpinned by our rolling five year business and financial plan. Associated Business Plans are also developed for each of our Business Functions and Regions and these set out the activity each area will undertake to support the delivery of the Corporate Plan.

Our Corporate Outcomes are reflected in our Business Plans, Team Plans and individual performance and development objectives. This ensures that employees across FLS can see how they individually contribute to our Corporate Outcomes and ultimately to the National Outcomes set out within the National Performance Framework. We refer to this series of plans as our Corporate Planning Framework.

Corporate Planning Framework
A diagram of all of the documents that make up the Corporate Planning Framework. The documents are: National Performance Framework and National Outcomes, FLS Corporate Plan (Corporate Outcomes), FLS Annual Business Plan (and Financial), Functional/Regional Annual Business Plans, Team Business Plans, Individual Performance and Development Objectives.



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