
Forestry and Land Scotland draft corporate plan 2022 - 2025: consultation

Forestry and Land Scotland has developed a draft corporate plan which sets out the proposed direction of travel and priorities for the organisation for the next three years. The consultation seeks the views of all who have an interest in the national forests and land.

9. Resourcing Our Plan

FLS is different from most other public bodies in Scotland in that we earn a large proportion of our income through commercial trading activities such as the sale of timber, renewables, recreation and leases. We use this revenue to invest in activities such as woodland expansion but to build a sustainable financial model for the long term. In addition we receive Scottish Government funding.

As a public corporation, FLS is required through the FLS Framework Document to retain a financial reserve to enable essential investment to protect against trading cycles across financial years.

Details of our anticipated income and expenditure for 2022/23 will be detailed in the final version of the Corporate Plan.



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