
Former SCS outside appointments: 1 January to 30 September 2016

Outside appointments or employment taken up by former SCS staff 1 January to 30 September 2016.

Title: Head of First Minister's Policy Unit

Name: Graeme Roy

Date Left/Retired from the Civil Service: 25 March 2016

New Appointment/Employment (including date taken up): Professor & Director Designate of the Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) Start date – 28 March 2016

Decision on Application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): Approved subject to a 12 month lobbying ban from last day of service.

Title: Head of Core Participant Team, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Name: Lynda Towers

Date Left/Retired from the Civil Service: 31 May 2016

New Appointment/Employment (including date taken up): Directorship, Morton Fraser LLP Start date – 1 June 2016

Decision on Application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): Lynda Towers should not be named by Morton Fraser in any tendering literature for the next 12 months. In addition she should not feature or be part of tenders by Morton Fraser LLP to the Scottish Parliament, Office of the Advocate General or Scottish Government during that time.

The appointment was approved subject to a 12 month lobbying ban. It was recognised that this may be difficult to reconcile with normal daily business dealings with Government on matters that might be viewed as an integral part of the course of business. But in the case of Morton Fraser Lynda Towers should only have legal factual dealings with officials in SG.

Title: Special Adviser

Name: Malcolm Fleming

Date Left/Retired from the Civil Service: 3 May 2016

New Appointment/Employment (including date taken up): Public Affairs Manager, People's Postcode Lottery Start date – 23 May 2016

Decision on Application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): Approved subject to a 12 month lobbying ban from last day of service.

Title: Special Adviser

Name: Campbell Gunn

Date Left/Retired from the Civil Service: 6 May 2016

New Appointment/Employment (including date taken up): Strategic Adviser, 3x1 Group Start date – 8 August 2016

Decision on Application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): Approved subject to a 12 month lobbying ban from last day of service.

Title: Rural IT Delivery Director

Name: Ian Norman

Date Left/Retired from the Civil Service: 27 July 2016

New Appointment/Employment (including date taken up): Independent IT management consultant – first project with Spectromax Ltd Start date – 1 August 2016

Decision on Application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): Spectromax Ltd appointment not approved retrospectively. As Mr Norman had already begun this short-term role prior to making a business appointment application the following conditions were imposed for the remainder of the 3 month period:

  1. Ian Norman may not be engaged with Spectromax Ltd for the remainder of the 3 month contract period i.e. 12 September to end October 2016 in:-
    any bidding proposals to the Scottish Government; any involvement in Spectromax' dealings with CGI or any of its subcontractors in relation to CGI's contract with the Scottish Government; or any lobbying of Scottish Government.

  2. The Scottish Government does not approve any extension of Mr Norman's current contract with Spectromax Ltd beyond the initial 3 month period. Any further work or employment with them must not commence within the 9 month waiting period (end of April 2017).

  3. Additional assurance sought from Spectromax that Ian Norman would not be engaged in carrying out activities under or connected with the framework agreement for the Scottish Government, either during the current short term management consultancy or during the remaining 9 months of the waiting period i.e. until the end of April 2017.

  4. The breach of the ACOBA rules will be referred to in response to any reference requests until the end of April 2017.



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