
Floating wind and green hydrogen - fostering future Scottish-French research and development collaboration: report

This report sets out the findings of a study undertaken for the Scottish Government which aimed to review the opportunities for Scottish and French organisations to work together to deliver collaborative innovation in floating wind and hydrogen.


The research project described in this report was supported by a wide range of stakeholders who took part in a questionnaire, expert interviews and workshops. The project team is very grateful to all of the stakeholders who took part and shared their views. We acknowledge the following participating organisations:

Questionnaire: l’Agence de Développement Occitanie, CCI Pays de la Loire, Dolfines, EOLINK, Equinor, EVOLEN, France Energies Marines, GreenHy, Green Tech Investment Partners, FLW JIP Energies Nouvelles, InterMoor, JGC Engineering and Technical Services, Morphosense, Natural Power, Port of Cromarty Firth, RES, Saipem, Sereema, Shell, Sofresid Engineering, SuperGrid Institute, TechnipFMC, TUV SUD National Engineering Laboratory, University of Aberdeen, Vallourec, WEAMEC, Xodus Group.

Expert interviews: Carbon Trust, TechnipFMC, Xodus, Genvia and Lhyfe.

Workshops: l’Agence de Développement Bretagne, l’Agence de Développement Occitanie, Carbon Trust, Conseil Régional de Bretagne, DeepWind, Dolfines, EDF, Eolfi, Equinor, ERM, Evolen, Farwind Energy, France Energie Marine, GRT Gaz, Green Tech Investment Partners, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Loganair, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, Pole Mer Med, Port of Cromarty Firth, Principle Power, Saipem, Scottish Development International, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government, Scottish Power, Seaway 7, SER, Shell, Sofresid Engineering, Source Energie, SSE, TechnipFMC, TUV NEL, Hydrogen Accelerator at University of St. Andrews, Vattenfall, WEAMEC, Xodus.



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