Four Hour Emergency Access Standard: Expert Working Group Recommendations Report

The Four Hour Emergency Access Standards Expert Working Group Recommendations Report puts forth recommendations to ensure greater consistency in reporting of A&E performance across NHS Scotland.

5. Conclusion

27. In conclusion, the Four Hour Emergency Access Standard Expert Working Group recommend:

1. That the revised definition of A&E Care be adopted nationally

2. That New Planned attendance be included on the EAS

3. That the Recall code be retired from the dataset and Boards should instead use the Return Unplanned option.

4. Guidance in Public Health Scotland’s A&E Data Recording Reference Manual to be updated to clarify that only in-person A&E attendances should be recorded on EAS

5. Health Boards to ensure that there is accurate recording of timestamp data for Admission Alternative Pathways (Ambulatory Care, SDEC, Acute Assessment Units etc) for local monitoring purposes.

6. A separate group of Acute Medical Clinicians and Information Leads should consider Admission Alternative Pathways and their relationship with the EAS

28. The recommendations in this report should improve consistency and equity of performance monitoring of the Four Hour Standard. However a future solution needs a once for Scotland approach to front door IT systems which would be beneficial for service and data consistency. This will require further engagement between Health Boards, medical representatives and PHS.



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