
Data standards in Scotland's public sector - framework for action: consultation analysis

We have identified a model of co-design for the development of public sector data standards in Scotland. This report is a summary of a consultation on data standards in public sector organisations within Scotland.

1 Introduction

The Scottish Government commissioned Anderson Solutions to work with the Data Standards Team to support the development of a plan for data standards in Scotland's public sector.


The Scottish Government Data Standards Team has identified a model of co-design for the development of public sector data standards in Scotland. The co-design model has been selected to reflect the reality of limited centralised resources and the extensive expertise and activity already underway in the wider public sector. The intention is to build a framework for data standards that can be used by a community of technical and non-technical individuals from across Scotland to implement data standards in Scotland's public sector.

The aim of the commission is to:

  • inform an ambition for data standards in Scotland's public sector;
  • build a story that describes the current activity around data standards in Scotland's public sector;
  • investigate willingness to co-design the approach and implementation of data standards in Scotland's public sector; and
  • identify priorities for the development of data standards.


The methodology used to deliver the aims of the commission evolved in response to Covid-19 and the final agreed methodology included:

  • six workshops with representatives from across Scotland's public sector to inform an ambition for data standards and propose next steps, the Covid-19 pandemic meant the majority of workshops were held online;
  • the development of case studies representing the story of Scotland's journey around data standards; and
  • a survey of individuals identified early in the process to gauge views on data standards and interest in participating in the workshops.

Five workshops have been held at the time of reporting. The intention is to use the report to inform a sixth and final workshop. The purpose of the sixth workshop is to discuss the ambition and priorities for action.

Report Structure

The report provides an overview of the findings from the consultation activity undertaken (workshops, case studies and survey) and proposes a Framework for Action for the Data Standards Team.

  • Section 2 describes the current context for data standards in Scotland's public sector, as heard during the consultation activities. The potential value of unlocking the value of Scotland's data assets through data standards, and the challenges associated with more widespread adoption of data standards are described. Examples of projects and initiatives in Scotland's public sector that are investing in data and data standards are included. More detail on these examples can be found in Annex B.
  • Section 3 lists actions that could be taken to address the challenges and improve adoption and application of data standards are. These actions were proposed during the consultation activities for the project.
  • Section 4 proposes a Framework for Action for data standards which includes a proposed ambition, principles, three pillars of activity and associated short-term actions for discussion. The Framework for Action is informed by the discussions and actions proposed during the consultation activities and discussion with the Data Standards Team.
  • Appendix A provides information on the FAIR principles and their associated implementation framework. FAIR is expected to be adopted as part of the Framework for Action.

The report is accompanied by three annex reports:

  • Annex A: a report on the workshops;
  • Annex B: a report of the case studies developed; and
  • Annex C: a report on the survey findings.



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