Social Security Scotland: framework document

Sets out the detailed accountability and governance framework for Social Security Scotland, and the context for the Agency's relationship with Scottish Ministers and core Scottish Government Directorates.

Parliamentary Engagement


99. The Scottish Parliament has the power to require witnesses to attend Parliamentary Committees. The Chief Executive and his or her staff may also be asked to support Scottish Ministers at Parliamentary Committee hearings.

100. The Chief Executive, as Accountable Officer for the Agency, is liable to be called to appear before the Social Security Committee and the Public Audit and Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee of the Scottish Parliament to account for the discharge of his or her responsibilities under the terms of this Framework Document, or before other Committees in the capacity of Chief Executive.

101. The Chief Executive is responsible for implementing, on behalf of Ministers, any relevant recommendations from the Social Security Committee, Public Audit and Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee, or other Committees of the Scottish Parliament which are accepted by the Scottish Government in respect of the operations of the Agency.


102. In line with current guidance, the Scottish Ministers will encourage Members of the Scottish Parliament (and MPs and MEPs) to communicate directly with the Chief Executive on the operational responsibilities of the Agency.

103. The Chief Executive will therefore reply in many circumstances to MSPs' correspondence on operational and contractual matters relating to the Agency. All replies will be copied for information to the relevant Minister.

104. The Chief Executive will ensure that matters on which it is appropriate for Ministers to communicate with MSPs or members of the public are referred to Ministers without delay. Where a correspondent is dissatisfied with a reply received from the Chief Executive on operational matters, he or she may request a reply from the relevant Minister.


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