Social Security Scotland: framework document

Sets out the detailed accountability and governance framework for Social Security Scotland, and the context for the Agency's relationship with Scottish Ministers and core Scottish Government Directorates.


54. Government Statistics, Social Research, and Operational Research Service analysts are responsible for publishing social security statistics and delivery focused research on the devolved benefits, as well as administrative resource forecasts.

55. The Agency's statisticians manage statistical data collections, assess data quality and improve it where necessary, and provide statistical publications relating to the devolved benefits. They liaise with users of the statistics, including Social Security Directorate in core Scottish Government, to ensure the published data meets stakeholders' needs for relevant and timely data, providing expert advice and interpretation of the statistical data. Alongside this, a programme of citizen and staff insight is undertaken and published by Agency social researchers.

56. Administrative resource forecasts (eg. staff, estates) are provided by Agency operational researchers, including Agency staff and non-staff costs. Core Scottish Government analysts are responsible for providing analytical support for policy development, such as modelling policy options with regards to devolved benefits, providing support for Scottish Government Finance by developing and maintaining forecasting models for demand-led spend, as well as taking forward a programme of evaluation of policies within the devolved social security area in relation to policy outcomes. Scottish Government will provide Agency analysts with forecasts for caseloads and inflows for devolved benefits to support their forecasting of administrative resources.

57. The Scottish Fiscal Commission has the responsibility to produce the official demand-led spend forecasts for devolved benefits and Scottish Government has a role in providing a challenge function.

58. The drafting and laying of social security related secondary legislation, including that which sets the rate at which benefits will be paid, will be led by the Directorate for Social Security. This will include the statutory duty to review each year the rates of devolved assistance for the effects of inflation. The Directorate for Social Security and the Agency will work together to ensure that social security secondary legislation which is laid before Parliament is fit for purpose.


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