
The framework for Social Work education in Scotland

The Framework is made up of the Scottish Requirements for Social Work Training, an Introduction to the Standards in Social Work Education and the Standards in Social Work Education.

The framework for Social Work education in Scotland

Who the Framework is for

This document will be useful for the following people:

  • those involved in designing, approving, accrediting or validating social work programmes;
  • those who teach social work programmes;
  • those who assess and examine students;
  • those who provide opportunities for practice learning within social work programmes;
  • students studying for the social work qualification;
  • those who are responsible for the quality of social work programmes;
  • social services employers;
  • those who are responsible for continuing professional development;
  • members of other professions who work closely with social services; and
  • the general public, particularly people who use social services and carers.

The Framework for Social Work Education in Scotland

The framework has been prepared as part of the new arrangements for enhancing the quality and standards of social work education in Scotland linked to the introduction of the new honours degree in social work or equivalent postgraduate awards. The aim is to provide an approach that serves the needs of all the stakeholders in social work education in Scotland. The key stakeholders include higher education institutions (HEIs), employers, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, the Scottish Social Services Council and the Scottish Executive.

This framework is made up of:

  • the Scottish Requirements for Social Work Training;
  • an Introduction to the Standards in Social Work Education; and
  • the Standards in Social Work Education.

The Scottish Requirements for Social Work Training are aimed at providers of social work programmes. They specify what providers must do and/or comply with in order to provide programmes of training. These requirements are organised in
two sections:

  • the entry requirements (A-G). These have been carefully drafted to encourage wide access to the course but also to ensure essential learning outcomes are achieved.
  • the teaching, learning and assessment requirements (H-R). These incorporate the practice learning proposals for the new degree at L-O.

The Introduction to the Standards in Social Work Education defines the guiding principles underpinning social work, the vision for social work and the transferable skills which social work students will acquire. It sets out the learning requirements that each programme of social work education in Scotland must meet.

The Standards in Social Work Education set out what students need to learn to do, what they need to be able to understand and the competences they must have when they complete their training.

The framework was developed by three working groups whose membership was drawn from a wide range of key interests and stakeholders including representatives of people who use services and carers. Membership of these groups is included in the Annexes.

This document can be found at the following websites:

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